Season 1: New Plan

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the alliance armies heading South to K'aron. they planned to catch up with herobrine's armies there. Because always defeated if separated, The WarCraft decides to separates armies when they arrive in K'aron. Squads 1&2 have to block the undead, Squads 3 have to secure citizens, Squads 4 have to locate FrostDiamond, and special forces led by Night have to cover FrostDiamond with their lives.

"We've walked for about 30 minutes, how far again?" Myth asks.

"1500 Blocks again," The WarCraft answers. 

Suddenly, one of the armies fell from his horses. The WarCraft tell the others to stops. they look at the bushes around them, there are undead everywhere. "It's still day, why they're here?" Myth whispers to Hurrey. 

"It seems Herobrine left them here," Hurrey replied. Myth nods and walks slowly ahead. "We should pass them," Myth said to The WarCraft. "No, we'll fight them," The WarCraft said as he draws his blade. "Are you crazy!?"

"If we run, we gonna end up worse," The WarCraft said

The WarCraft signals the other to attacks, Hypixel armies draw their weapon and ambush the Undead. One of the biggest Undead screams and calls his army. the other undead runs to them and attacks them.

The Husk dig the ground and pull the serverest. "Everyone stay away from them! Archer!" The WarCraft commands. all serverest are divided apart. "Everyone follow me!" Hurrey said as he gets up on his horses. the serverest follows him. HD is joined with the SANS so he doesn't have to fight many times.

Myth hears a gunshot. he looks at the sources and sees Vlork people with a riffle on their hand, they're shooting the Undead. behind them, GeminiTay is riding horses. she tells his armies to Help The Alliance armies. 

Explanation: GeminiTay is one of the Mediavalord. she is the youngest of the others. He leads Eimcaster, the cities of Naturalist Builder. Some peoples believe that she has a feeling for Myth's successor, Master Builder.


Vlork People

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Vlork People

few of Vlork people are secure the area and heal the alliance

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few of Vlork people are secure the area and heal the alliance. "Are you alright?" GeminiTay said. Myth stands up and said. "Yeah, I am fine. did I told you to go to Vlork!?" Myth asks. "I did, And I have a backup," She said.

"Listen, this place isn't safe for you," Myth said. Gemini nods and said,  "then, what should I do? Letting you die!?" she asks. "That's is not what I am trying to say," Myth said. "Lord Myth! the Undead is gone. We can head to K'aron now," Master Builder interrupts. both Myth and Gemini look at him. "Master! You're here," GeminiTay said as she hugs Master Builder.

Myth looks at her and said. "I am still here. Why'd do you come here?" Myth asks. Gemini let Master Builder go and answer. "Well... Since you planned to fight Herobrine. I think It's Gonna helpful If I am sending a few weaponized Vlork people..." GeminiTay said.

"And meets Master Builder is not another reason?" Myth tease. GeminiTay blush and shakes his head. "Speaks about me and him once more, I'll declare to moves to Naturalist side.

The WarCraft comes there and interrupts. "Sorry to broke the reunion but, we have a long journey to K'aron," he said. Myth nods and leaves them. "Hey, make sure to come back in full pieces okay?" Gemini asks to MasterBuilder. he nods and follows Myth, "you too," he said

50 Vlork shooters joined Alliance armies to K'aron, they heading again to K'aron and stop at dessert with a white building everywhere, they hiding behind one of the hills. "No signs of the Undead," The WarCraft said. "perhaps they are already here, so there are no guards," Myth said. 

The WarCraft commands his armies to spreads. suddenly, someone shot one of the armies. the canons are pointing to them. a few armored Moderns get down from the canons and pointing their guns at Alliance armies. 

"Lower your weapons," one of them said. Vlork people point their rifles back at the Moderns. "And you lower yours," A Vlork said. "We wouldn't let any stranger comes in," another Moderns said.

Night, Corazon, Kloits, Vlamuinox shows themselves, "We came here because we want to meet Frost," Night said. The Moderns low their gun and think. "Okay, but we only allow the SANS, the rest of you should wait here," he said. The SANS follow the guards and enter the city.

Meanwhile in Pixrora campsite

Rush awakes from his sleep and looks shocked. he runs out from the tent and awakes Adorn. "What happened?" Adorn asks. "The armies have gone!"

Adorn jumps from the bed and looks outside. "Oh my god! wake Talon! we have to chase them!" Adorn said as he takes his jacket and uses it. "Hey! where do you guys think you gonna going!? your wound hasn't fully recovered," a girl said. they look back and see Vania standing. 

"We want to chase our friend HD," Rush said.

Popo appears behind them and asks, "you guys are HD's friends right?". Rush and the others nod. "where you wanna go?" Popo asks again. "HD goes to K'aron without us, we want to go there and meet him," Adorn said.

"Can I join you? perhaps, you gonna need a help from Naturalist like me," Popo answers. "sure, why not?" Rush said. a fifth of them look at Vania. "what?"

"You have a carriage right?" Rush asks. "yeah, what's wrong with that?" Vania answers.

"We want to borrow it," Adorn said.

"just walk by yourself!" Vania said.

"you want to meet Night right?" Rush asks again. Vania blush, she thinks a while and said. "okay, but only until K'aron, I need my horse to search Night," Vania said.6 of them leave Pixrora and head to K'aron, they ride Vania's Carriage.

Okay, that's it! read the next chapter, will you!? this is quite short. I don't know what else to write.

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