Season 2: The end

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Another meeting is hosted at Alliance's base. Myth wants to talk about another Method to kill Herobrine, HD, The WarCraft and Rush are listening to Myth as he explains about the guest.

"We have found another Undead Entity, sealed amongst the Human, from what we've heard, she can defeat Herobrine in a one versus One battle," Myth said. The guests start to whisper to each other as Hurrey tells them to quiet. 

"I am presenting, Frost Girl!" Myth said. 

A young woman appears. Wearing a white-blue dress. She covers her eyes with her light blue hair and walks slowly to the room. 

"Rush, who you thinks is that?" HD asks.

 "I don't know,"  Rush said. 

"Frost girl, is one of Herobrine's loyal servants, but we are sure that she is Trustable," Stevee explains. 

"and for our next mission," Myth said. 

"we will travel to the end!" Myth said. 

The guests look shocked. HD as well, why would they go to the end? The Enderknight is gone. There is only fake ones. One by one of the guests start to complain about the upcoming mission Until Steve said.

"Our objective now is to revive an old friend, Ceris," Steve said.

"Ceris is Frost's friend, and she is capable to lead the enderman army. Which profits the alliance. "to reach the end, will need help from fellow enderman. Because they're the only ones who know the Entorta land (look 'Enchanter battle' for more info)

Soon, everyone leaves the meeting room. "if they require Enderman, should we ask Slender raft to join us?" Rush asks.

"maybe we'll have to,since he'll love to see his country back," HD Said.

Miriana, 2 days later

HD and Rush heading to Slender's house to ask him about the mission. Slender raft welcomes them and asks them to go in.

"do you know about the new mission?" HD asks.

"I know," Slender said.

"how'd you-" 

"The WarCraft told me," he said again.

"oh, so how's your feeling?" HD asks.

"I can't wait to see my home again, I've prepared everything I need," Slender said as he shows a bottle with "A" on it. 

"what's that?" Rush said.

"this? Just a promise from my teacher. He wants me to bring this back to entorta, if I could get back there," Slender said.

"teacher?" Rush asks.

"Yeah, my teacher, Aurvor. he was my senior in the end academy," He answers.

3 Months later

after three months past. 217 volunteers have been chosen to  join the End mission. with total 1300 armies, the alliances moves to nearby portal, and enters it.

Author's note: The volunteer consist Enderman, and Enderest

"remembers! Entorta is already taken over by the nether Empire! we need to stay alert!" The WarCraft said. the armies enters the portal and start looking for the places where Ceris got executed. HD and Rush enters the castle and look around, but they find nothing. In other hand, Slender goes to the Dragon altar, a wide fiield with 9 Obdium on it. 

Explanation: Obdium is the pillars which gave EnderDragon power. they usually hold an End Crystals on it

217 of the volunteers follows Slender and looks around, "Find something?" One of them asks to Slender. he shakes his head. 

"I remember when Dragonspire is filled with the mighty dragon," The others said.

"But look at this place now! It all covered in dust and flames," Slender said.

In the void, 2 entities are watching them closely. all of the Volunteers start to walking around instead of looking for the grave. when Slendercraft walks to Dragon's cage, his leg hit something and makes him falls.

he notices that the thing is Chorus root. he follows the root and finds Ceris's bone, lying in the ground. he quickly tries to shoot a purple fire signal. but, before he doing it, another red signal shot.

he looks at the sky, and sees 2 entity destroying the End castle. the volunteers gather again as Slender told them to defend the body, and puts a chorus fruit inside the Ceris chest.


"What is going on!?" Rush screams as the crowds as thing starts to goes crazy. the land turns in flames, and the zombie appears. 2 entities with Grave ranks flies in the air, they're + and - steve.

"Look for Ceris, I'll handle them," + said. - flies to Ceris place. but in all of sudden, someone throw an Slow potion to him. Slendercraft tries to attract him away. 

after putting the fruit. Ceris body covered in purple moss, and slowly makes a girl shape. an explosion heard, the castle turns into magma block as - turns it. Slendercraft is buried under the castle and starts to dying.

he took a glass bottle, and drinks it all. then, he suffocates more, his skin fades and turns into rock. and then, the fire eats him all in.

Meanwhile, HD and Rush is fighting against the nether horde. they seems to help herobrine. the armies splits apart as more enemies appears. HD applies Redstone aura and cuts few piglins. "RUSH!! we can't keep fighting like this!" HD shouts.

Rush stops a while and screams back, "JUST KEEP FIGHT! AND WE'LL WON!" 

suddenly, a light purple beam appears as an Enderknight lands on the ground.


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