Season 1: Help From SANS

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Eimcaster, Natural Mediavalist Capital city

A figure standing on Eimcaster's castle balcony has horns on her forehead. She is surrounded by animals, she humming a little. A Messenger bird flies to the balcony and drops a paper roll. the girl in the Balcony takes the paper roll. "So it's from Myth," she said. she opens the paper and reads it. 

"Dear GeminiTay, fWhip and I haven't back yet since 4 days ago, there is something we need to take care of. I don't ask you to believe me. but, Herobrine is revived. with Dreadlord, Entity 303, and Null. If you do believe, I want you to prepare armies for Golden Angels. And defend all Mediavalist cites. fWhip Died in the last battle, he hasn't chosen his Successor yet. 

Signed, Mythical Sausage,"

GeminiTay closes the paper and rubs her tear. "I hope you rest in peace fWhip," She said. "Barbara!" Gemini calls his waiter. Barbara comes into the room, "Yes my queen?". "Prepare armies, we are heading to Vlork!" GeminiTay said.

Explanation: Mediavalist kingdom has 3 Capital cities; Eimcaster, Vlork, Meteora. each of the cities led by 3 Mediavalord; Eimcaster led by GeminiTay, Vlork led by fWhip, Meteora led by Myth. The Medieval kingdom was divided into 3 because of the different ways they build; Meteora, Mediavalist. Vlork, SteamPunk. Eimcaster, Naturalist.



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"Why do you come here!? you guys just risking your own life," Myth said. "BDoubleO told us to come here," NightD said, his body is bandaged. "Herobrine could kill you!" The WarCraft said. "he said we can't let you guys fight alone," Moend said. he loses one of his hands. 

"But that doesn't mean risking your life!" Hurrey adds. The SANS quiet for a moment. "Besides, why do you bring Dreamer?" Myth asks. "Bdubs sends them too, he said they gonna heal us," Moend said.


"Hey, when will you tell Lord Myth?" HD asks Adorn. "I... Don't know," Adorn answers. "You could become Mediavalord!" Rush said. "I am from Meteora! I can just change my style to SteamPunk!" Adorn said.

A Dreamer nudge Rush shoulder. he looks back and saw a female Dreamer. she uses a cyan sweater and has Cat ear. "WATCH YOUR STEPS!" Rush said. that Dreamer keeps walk away. 

"Should we tell The WarCraft?" HD asks. "Maybe that's not a good-" "Okay," Rush and Talon said. they pull Adorn to The WarCraft room. 

"The WarCraft, someone wants to talk to you," A serverest said. The WarCraft out and meet HD and the others. "What's the problem?" he asks. "We might know who will replace fWhip," HD said. "Who!?" The WarCraft asks. "It-It-It's me," Adorn said.

"wait, what?" The WarCraft said.

"That's a long story," Rush said.

"Then make it short," The WarCraft said.

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