thirty six.

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The next twenty minutes I watch as Max paces the floor looking at his phone. I roll my eyes and stand up which makes him jump. He looks at me and smirks "where are you going?" I shrug and nod towards the kitchen "i need a drink?" He nods firmly and points the gun at me "nothing funny!" I hold my hands up and smirk "yes boss." He quickly walks towards me and slaps my face "I'm not playing around!" I taste the blood in my mouth and it makes me freeze "ouch!" He wipes the blood away and steps back "just sit there and I will get you some water." He walks towards the kitchen and look around and see the house phone beside the sofa. I quickly grab it and dial in Alec's number before sticking it face down.

Alec pulls into the hospital car park and picks him his phone "Hunter?" I look at the phone and take a deep breath when I hear Alec's voice. I look towards the kitchen as Max walks back out. I shrug and take the water "so what made you bring me here to Laycie and Emily's cabin?" He sits down and looks around "its only till morning then we will be on the road and heading back to Alaska." Alec hangs up the phone and calls Claudia.

When Emily finally wakes up she looks around and spots Hunter sleeping on a sofa chair in the corner. She coughs and sits up "morning." Hunter grins and sits up "morning." She looks around and rubs her head "what happened?" He shrugs and stands up "we was hoping you could tell us?" She shrugs and laughs nervously "i slipped I guess?" He raises his eyebrow and shakes his head "you was attacked?" She looks at the door and laughs nervously "what?" She shakes her head and gets out bed "where is Melissa?" He walks towards her and smiles softly "the man who attacked you also attacked her and took her to your family cabin? Alec is on his way there just now." Her face drops and she stands up "it must have been Max." She grabs her shoes and nods "we need to go there, now!"

I sit on the edge of the bed shaking with nothing but my underwear on. I look at the bedroom door as Max walks back in smirking. He sits down beside me and kisses my shoulder moving my bra strap "that was amazing." He drinks some water and shrugs "again?" I laugh sarcastically and shake my head "it didn't stop you from doing it after i didn't agree the first time so do I get a choice this time?" He stands up and scoffs "you better not be this back talking when we get back home and you are with the paying clients." I look at him with such disgust and he rolls his eyes "if you stay here the people here will do worse so I'm doing you a favour." I raise my eyebrow and shake my head "what people?" He smirks and shrugs "guess you will need to find out." I stand up and grab my dress "i need the bathroom." He nods and stands up as I quickly walk towards the bathroom.

MelissaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant