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After a few hours a boy wearing a badge saying 'best man' from the group of boys walk towards the bar and smirks at me "hi." I smile back and nod firmly "more bottles already? At this rate we will run out." He shrugs and looks at his friends who are all looking over and giggling. I laugh nervously and grab a bucket "i will bring them over for you." He bites his bottom lip and looks me up and down "sure thing sugar."

He looks at Jack and shrugs as I walk away "how many bottles and tips will I need to give her for her to give me a dance?" The boy looks towards me and smirks. Jack scoffs and shakes his head "not enough money in the world but keep dreaming buddy." He shrugs his shoulders and takes out a bunch of $100 notes "we will see." He walks away and Jack rolls his eyes "your funeral pal."

I fill the bucket with bottles and ice and walk towards Jack "what are you smiling at?" He shrugs his shoulders and looks towards Alec "nothing." He walks toward a customer and I roll my eyes.

"Hey!" I turn around and see Ali. I smile at her and shrug "i didn't think you was working tonight?" She smirks and shakes her head "I'm not." She looks around and nods firmly "my brother is here with his friends and he left his keys in my car so I'm dropping them off before he does something stupid like smash his window when he realises he doesn't have them." I smile and shake my head "boys ehh!" She looks around and shrugs "have you seen Claudia?" I nod towards her office and smile "her niece Cara is in with her? Plus she said she has a lot of paperwork tonight so best take a beer with you." She nods agreeing and smirks "Cara? That cant be good so a beer sounds like a good idea." She walks past me and grabs a beer "thank you." She quickly walks towards Claudia's office.

I walk towards the table of boys and the best man takes the bucket from me "thank you." He takes my hand and places a bunch of $100 notes and winks "so how about a dance?" He slowly moves his hand up my arm and down the side of my body. I roll my eyes and scoff "ask one of the dancers?" The group of boys all laugh at him as I walk away.

I take a deep breath as I walk back towards the bar. Jack looks at me and his smile quickly drops. He runs towards me and shakes his head holding my hands "what happened?" I look towards the VIP and see Alec looking over "not here." He nods agreeing and we walk towards the back of the bar.

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