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It's been a few days since my... mob boss coronation? I've been mainly idling my time in school thinking about what I should do next. Earlier I received a message from Koji that the papers have been finalized. So once I finish this godforsaken day of school he should have already approached the Matron about adoption. At least one of my problems is about to be solved.

Now I just need to figure out which place me and my members should hit. Why? Well, their loyalty to me isn't too great. I'm sure I've convinced some to join my side but many are still going to be skeptical. If I don't prove that I have the capabilities to lead, they will abandon me. It's vital that I gain a following of loyal pawns.

Now the problem is what place I should hit… Which is what I've spent the better part of the school day considering. I don't want it to be too dangerous since my members are weak but it needs enough difficulty for them to put their faith in me.

Robbing a bank or rich family might be good maybe the Yaoyorozu family… No, I'm going to have to cross out that option. Their daughter, Momo Yaoyorozu, is around the same age as me so judging from that I bet their security is much tighter to stop any potential kidnappings. I need to look elsewhere… Maybe Koji will have an idea.

"Koko!" roused from my thoughts I turn my focus to the voice calling me. Midoriya places his lunch tray on the table, sitting on the chair across from me. "Did you see the news?!" Looking at the sparkles in his eyes I can tell he's not gonna drop this. I guess I'll indulge him for now, "No, what happened?" I respond.

"All Might and some heroes beat up a whole big group of villains!" Oh, he did? That's rather unusual… he normally goes solo fighting villains that normal heroes can't handle or small-time groups. If he went after a big group while cooperating with other heroes that would mean he had a big reason. "What did the villains do?" I ask. "Kaa-san said that they were stealing money and selling," He looked both ways before leaning in closer, whispering his next words, "Drugs…"

"Hmm, well… it's good All Might and the heroes took them out," I say going back to eating. I'm not sure about what he just said. I think this may involve All For One. At least, that's what I'm guessing. Even if it doesn't involve AFO there must be a reason why he helped. All Might wouldn't get involved in such things when one of the top pros could easily do it instead. He wouldn't want to waste his timer. Even if he hasn't passed down One For All yet his body is still weakening.

"Why are you talking to Deku!" Great, another annoyance appears. Looking over I see Bakugou walking over to our table. "What is it you need… Kacchan?"

"I told you not to call me that!" He rages, "Anyways, why are you talking to loser Deku. He's not your regular loser. He's a loser without a Quirk." He sneers.

Ouch, rather cruel. I see Midoriya visibly deflating from his words.

"Koko, I'll just lea-"

"It doesn't concern you Katsuki and it doesn't matter anyways." Standing up I head towards the exit.


Standing in front of the orphanage Koko notes a car parked in front of the building. It was a small blue car. Much different from the sleek black one he drove her in a few days ago. 'Looks like Koji did a good job, picking a car like that will sell his role even better.' She thought.

Stepping inside she noticed the absence of any kids. Normally the younger ones would be running around right about now but just silent. Seeing this Koko put her guard up. She runs through scenarios in her head for if Koji has betrayed her. 'I wouldn't want to kill someone in front of everyone so I'll prepare to disable him.' She thought while activating her bubbles to hide underneath her clothing.

Walking to the matron's office she hears talking within. With her guard up she opens the door revealing Koji sitting in a chair in front of the Matrons desk. Koko notices the Matron's calm demeanor and lowers her guard.'He doesn't seem to be threatening her. Looks like my suspicions were misplaced.' Koko deactivates her Quirk allowing the bubbles to disappear silently.

"Koko! You've come back just in time. This is Mr. Sato Fujita," The Matron said, pointing at Koji.

Koko notes the fake name. 'He acquired a fake identity quite fast.'

"Mr. Fujita is interested in adopting you." She said with a smile. In all honesty, the Matron was worried if Koko would ever be adopted due to her silent nature. All the parents that ever thought about adopting her were scared off by the fact that she was the exact opposite of expectations.

"Nice to meet you, Koko. The Matron here has told me great things about you. " Koji said, smiling. Koko could tell Koji was enjoying this. And she was right Koji had always enjoyed putting on a good show. And combining that with this being his first job made it even better.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Fujita," Koko coldly replied. Making the Matron nervous. 'I mentioned she was more silent than your average kid but he might change his mind now that he's actually met her.' But to her relief, Mr. Fujita just laughed, "How cold! You remind me of my wife. She used to be just the same."

"Used to?" The Matron asks

"Ah yes, I lost her in a villain attack."

"I'm sorry for asking," The Matron responded.

"It's fine, we had always talked about adopting a kid but she left too early. Once I pulled myself together I decided to follow our dream and that's what brings me here."

"Well, I find that admirable. Mr. Fujita. I'll leave you two alone to talk while I go check up on the other children." With that, she leaves the room.

"How was my acting boss?" Koji says removing the kind old man facade.

"What were you going to do if she asked what villain attack his so-called wife died in."

"I was going to say the fight between All Might and Toxic Chainsaw."

'Hmm, the cover-up fight between All Might and All for One' She thought.

"Have you created a fake id for her just in case it is asked for?"

"Of course I have! I'm not an amateur."

"Then you did well."


A few days later Koko said a tearful goodbye to the orphanage. The tearful part being on the latter side.

"Be sure to visit" The Matron said, bending down to be at her eye level.

"I will," She responded. Before walking over to her "Father."

"Are you ready to go Koko?"


The two get into the car and while Koji is preparing to drive Koko gives one last wave to the kids. 'It was fun while it lasted.' She thought.

"Ok boss. Now what?" Koji asked.

"First take me to the base."

"Alright," He begins driving in the direction of the base.

"What do you know of the recent raid All Might and some heroes did on that group of villains."

"Hmm, not too much, all the media really said was that the group was dangerous and had been taken down. Of course, they also mentioned a few details of what the group was actually doing."

"I think that group might have had something pretty important for All Might to get involved. If my suspicions are correct then the police should be in the custody of all the items the group had. Even if they don't have any special item they should still have the money and maybe some weapons."

"Boss, you're suggesting…"

"We're going to rob the police."

Bubble of Death (BNHA x OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin