Hallway Hijinks

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Why were there kids here? Were they kidnapped by the villains? Had they escaped and were searching for help? Thoughts like these rushed through Suzuki's head.

While Suzuki was worried about the situation Koko was excited. She thought this was an excellent opportunity for her two subordinates to prove their strength in duo combat. So, she decided she won't get involved in this fight. 'They'll be the pieces, I'll be the player,' thinking that she ordered Haru to charge in first, telling him to exhaust their enemy but keep his guard up.

"I will," He gleefully responded while dashing down the hall, to the front lines. When the still confused Suzuki saw Haru running towards him with a smile of excitement he mistook that excitement as one of relief. This caused him to lower his guard and Haru knowing this capitalized on it. Once he was in range he went for a sweep to the feet trying to knock Suzuki off balance. But Suzuki managed to jump back just in time, only slightly stumbling in the process.

The reason Suzuki could dodge such a surprise attack was because of his Quirk. It would allow him to slightly enhance his senses aptly named Slight Sensory Enhancement. It wasn't much but it had gotten him through tough situations as a police officer countless times.

"You're faster than I'd expected,"  Haru said with a slight chuckle. While forming a fighting stance his body had begun to glow the same pale blue as his hair.

"What's this?" Suzuki choked out, he had noticed his strength begin to fade at a slightly faster rate than usual. It wasn't a big difference but it was concerning nonetheless, 'Have I overestimated my strength? No, that boy has a slight glow. It must be his Quirk!'

Haru charged in again and the two began to fight. Haru would use his boundless energy to constantly barrage him with punches while Suzuki would sense his punches and dodge.

Koko saw that he was experiencing Haru's Quirk. She noticed his movements were slowing down and that sweat was beading on his forehead. Seeing this Koko was pleased. He could have become an annoying hero for her so she was happy she had found him first.

Crossing her arms she said, "Sam, start approaching."

Walking forwards Sam took out two knives and threw them at Suzuki. Sensing the knives Suzuki realized he was in a tough spot. He would have to dodge the knives but take a punch as well. Realizing there was no more time for deliberation he dodged out of the way barely letting the knives graze his skin. While he was in the middle dodging Haru delivered a hard blow to Suzuki's side, staggering him.

Feeling the strength to begin Harus blow, Suzuki got worried, 'I have to treat them like full-blown villains if I want to survive!'

As he was recovering Suzuki took a glance at Sam and saw that she wasn't doing anything. That was strange. He assumed she would keep throwing more knives. Suddenly he felt a shiver run down his spine; The alarms in his head were blaring that danger was coming from behind. He tried desperately to jump out the way but Haru had grabbed onto his shoulders hindering his movement. "It was a fun fight, old man," Haru said as the knives sunk into Suzuki's back. Dropping his injured body, Haru and Sam turned to Koko, expecting praise.

While they were fighting Koko had walked to the far door and was examining the label, "You could have been a little faster but," She said, glancing back "Good job." She wasn't exactly impressed but positive reinforcement goes a long way.

"Come here this is the room," Koko said, ushering the two to her. "But how are we supposed to get in there? We don't have the keys." Sam said, knocking on the thick metal door.

While the others were thinking of ways to get in, Koko knew just what to do. Activating her Quirk she changed her bubbles to acid and started to corrode the door. After a little while, there was a hole big enough for them to fit through.

"This took a while so we have to get in and out fast. The others should be finishing up." She said climbing through the hole.

The room was strange. Half of it was free space with chairs, desks, and computers scattered around while the other half was cut off by what appeared to be tempered glass, most likely one-way. Within that room were a bed, sink, and toilet. The things you would expect to find in a cell.

Squinting her eyes Koko could make out the shadow of a body in the corner, 'They only captured one villain? Is that why the heroes were so quiet?' She thought while approaching the main desk. Scanning the table she found the switch that would turn off the one-way glass and flipped it.

"Hello, we've come to let you out."

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