Recovery and Discussion

326 17 6

I woke up to sounds.  Unintelligible talk rang out around me piercing deep in my ears and ringing throughout my skull.  I let out a groan; anything to cease the noise.  But the voice only continued to increase on all sides.  Were they arguing? Opening my eyes I could only make out three blurry shapes.  I couldn't focus at all, it was like looking at that blind spot when you have a migraine.  Another pang of sharp pain struck my head making me screw my eyes shut.  I pressed both hands on my forehead, rubbing gently in a circular motion.

Deep breaths.  I repeat the 'in and out' mantra in my head to center myself.

Recon, what information do I have?  From what I made out the three shapes were two each on my side and the larger one further by my feet. Wolfman is in the back but I don't know who's by my side.  I can assume I'm on a couch or bed due to the squishy feeling below me.  Just as I was getting a semblance of togetherness another sharp pain threw my thoughts off course.

I need the voices to stop.  Now.  I can't gather my thoughts like this.  I test my vocal cords, drawing out a long groan.  The voices are louder now.  My head is spinning and I start dry heaving.  The feeling of liquid slowly creeping up my throat.

"Szhhhut Uhb!" I manage to drawl out - acutely aware of how wet it sounded - a slightly legible sentence.  It worked though since, with my admonishment, the noises died down.  I'm pretty sure I went in and out of consciousness a few times.  Since each time I attempted to open my eyes the three blurry shapes were sitting in different spots.

Reaching to my side I feel the coolness of the wooden table.  Cupping my hand sideways I slowly moved them across the smooth surface.   I feel a soft tap on the back of my hand and I stop.  Almost immediately a cold glass is placed in my hand.  Sitting up slowly - ignoring the pain reverberating through my skull - I carefully bring the glass to my lips.  It wasn't filtered.  I had always disliked unfiltered water; something about the taste. Now wasn't the time for that so I ignored the flavor and kept drinking.

Placing the drink down and feeling much better I lay down and start to think.  Erasure Head -  Shota Aizawa - was there, at the station. Knowing his personality - and heroes in general - the fact that I'm a kid and a villain definitely piqued his interest and turned a lot of heads.  The things I know about him might be too influenced by fanfiction with the whole 'Dadzawa' thing but it's better to be careful and assume he is interested.  If he contacts 'The Rat' then things get a lot harder for me.  A super-intelligent hero giving advice to a quirk canceling one is the last thing I need.

With my head feeling slightly better, I push myself up into a sitting position and firmly clutch the armrest my head was laying on just in case I topple over.  I take a second to observe my surroundings.  The couch was a smooth black leather, with a few suspiciously red stains blotching its surface.  The room was a mess, about the size of my old living room, with cracked red paint that dotted all over the walls.  Metal folding chairs were strewn about the room, with Sam sitting in one to my left, holding a few pill bottles and intently watching me.  Haru was laying on four chairs just behind the wooden table, playing some game on his phone.  He glanced at me for a few seconds before returning to tapping furiously on the screen.  Finally, Wolfman was laying down circularly - like a cat or dog - in the right corner of the room, his tail slowly swaying back and forth.

"Are you okay, Boss?"  A feminine voice rang out. Sam.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I slowly said, "Drop the 'Boss' though, it's getting annoying."

"Yes, b-hey!" Haru was rubbing his forehead where Sam had thrown a bottle. She sat up and went to me, took my hand, placing two small pills in it. "Aspirin. It should help."

I didn't think she would poison me so with a quick motion I popped the pills in my mouth and took a swig from my glass of water to wash it down.  "Drugs? Already? What would your mother think," Haru said, with mock sternness and a wave of his index finger.  Ignoring him I focused on Sam.

Bubble of Death (BNHA x OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz