Victim or Villain?

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Why did things turn out this way? Am I destined to be a prisoner? Do I not deserve the blessing of freedom?

All for One offered me the promise of help, but once I fulfilled his needs he locked me away like a teenager does to all their old toys. Now here I am locked again waiting to be transferred to this place called "Tartarus"

This place I'm going to can't be worse than the isolation suffered by the hands of that man. He locked me away in a small room not even large enough for me to stretch and left me there. Alone.

I took to scratching graffiti on the walls to keep myself sane. It wasn't detailed or anything, just your average stick figures with distinctive features. I never knew who I was scratching. Were they my family? Friends? Enemies? I couldn't remember. It's too late for me to remember. I've been trapped too long; It's been years, probably even decades. I can't recall my life anymore. My earliest memory would be just before I was locked away.

But I would sometimes have a dream. It was a simple dream. Never changed, always the same, but it made me feel at peace. In that dream I would be pushing a laughing young boy on a swing as the sun set behind us. On my right would be a woman laughing along with him.

Were these people my family? They have to be. But no matter how hard I try I can't remember. When I wake up their faces are wiped from my mind. It's the same feeling as forgetting a dream that you knew happened. But in this case I'm forgetting the faces.

The only face I could remember was that man. Even thinking about him makes my blood boil with rage.

Had I never agreed, never gone with him maybe things would have been different. No, even if I had refused he would have used force to take me with him. His greed wouldn't have let me loose. I was in his grasp the moment he took notice of me.

I was, I am, just a failed test subject locked away forever. I didn't even deserve a glance while he imprisoned me too. He just mumbled a soft "That's too bad." before giving the order to lock me away. In his eyes, I was just a toy and now that I was broken I was in need of a replacement.

When the heroes showed up I thought I would be free; That the day I had been hoping for year after year, decade after decade had finally come.

There was that man though. The hero with the blonde hair, I think they called him All Might. It's strange I get the same feeling as All for One when I look at him… but it's a little different. not as sinister maybe? It gave me a sense of hope.

But his eyes. They were looking at me with pity. That confused me, was he pitying my situation? Did it mean he was going to help me? It didn't feel like that. His gaze didn't have enough of the compassion.

It didn't matter though his next words explained everything.

"I truly am sorry." He said kneeling down to my position on the floor as it had been too long since I've stood up. "But it must be done. No traces of that man must remain." The way he mentioned "That man," was filled with so much vile and disgust. His eyes we're burning  with hatred for him. Just like me.

"Take this villain too!" He said standing up walking to the other people in the room, "Their Quirk looks dangerous so take extra caution with the restraints. We'll have to question them in a secure environment."

My world shattered.

VIllain? Why would I be a villain? I'm a victim! Why would he do this to me? From what I can tell he hates that man just as much as I do! I could hear it!




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