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Everyone was knocked out after the events of last night.

Haru was sleeping on the couch and we hadn't bothered to put Gale back in his room so he was sleeping in the living room. Sam was sleeping atop of him, looking rather comfortable.

I could see Haru's eyes crack open as I walked by. He was somehow a light sleeper, always alert, despite his personality.

He looked up at me and suddenly hid his face with his blanket, "Today's the day you become a...super spy?"

"If I pass."

"If you pass?!" He stood up suddenly, "You're the Boss! There's no way you don't. Hey Sam, Gale," They both roused from their sleep, "Do you think the boss could ever fail the exams?"

Sam yawned, "No way," and Gale mumbled, "She's too capable to fail," before they both fell back asleep.

Nodding solemnly Haru said, "Look at those ringing endorsements."

I sighed and made my way to the door. However, I could see Haru look at me expectantly.

"Out with it."

"You think I could join you? I'd bet I'd make a good hero." He grinned.

I looked at him incredulously, "You dropped out of high school, you really want to go back?"

"Don't say it with such disbelief! I'll have you know I'm quite the intelligent man."

"What's the equation of a line."

He paused.

"You know, maybe you're right, school just might not be for me."

Rolling my eyes I walked out the door.

The building truly was a sight to behold. I was rather surprised they didn't already have dorms set in place, the campus was practically a college one already.

"Koko!" Called out a familiar, rough, voice. Bakugou. Turning around I could see him storming up to me. His face was red with anger.

"You're really back in Japan? Why didn't you tell me!? I thought that Deku was lying."

"You know how it is. I was busy... training, and I just got back not even a month ago."

"Training? That stupid bubble quirk?"

That was one way to say 'Nice to see you again'. I did kind of miss his abrasiveness though, it was humorous at times.

I moved to walk away but he grabbed my arm.

"Don't just leave! You really have nothing to say?" I could feel his palms heating up. Deciding to retaliate before he burned my precious skin I started creating some bubbles.

I could have used a toned-down version of my signature acid bubble but since he's a fire-type Quirk user I decided to fight fire with fire. I created at least five small bubbles where he grabbed me, I willed them to be filled with an ignitable gas, in this special case nitroglycerin and manipulated the hardness of the bubbles to become sturdier.

The reason for this was that when the hardened bubbles pop they create a small spark, just enough to ignite the gas within. All of this culminated in my new technique, Ignition Bubbles, as named by Haru.

The process barely took a few seconds and before Bakugou could react to the feeling of bubbles I willed them to pop. His hand instantly flew back and he stared at it in shock.

The damage was minimal, the burn wouldn't even last a few minutes due to the nature of his quirk. I could have made them much more deadly but they still would remain small. From all my tests, the structure of hardened bubbles at a large scale never held.

Bubble of Death (BNHA x OC)Where stories live. Discover now