You're My Pillow Now ~ AsaNoya

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It was late at night, or early in the morning, and Nishinoya and Asahi were still awake.  Asahi was extremely tired, however, the smaller wouldn't let him fall asleep. Noya had been talking Asahi's ear off,  and the brunette just couldn't shut his eyes.  

"And then Kageyama-" Noya began.

"Nishinoya. Stop talking and PLEASE go to sleep," Asahi mumbled.

Nishinoya frowned. 

"Damn, okay," Noya pouted.

Asahi sighed. 

"That's not what I meant."


"It's late, you, well we both need sleep."

Nishinoya groaned and turned his head to look at the clock beside his bed. The time was 2:45. He knew he should fall asleep, but he didn't want to.

"But why?"

"So we can function some-what normally tomorrow," Asahi said, finally shutting his eyes.

Noya narrowed his eyes and stood up on top of the bed.  He jumped up and flopped on Asahi.


The younger giggled and laid his head on Asahi's stomach. 


"You're definitely not sorry."

"I'm really not."

"God dammit Yuu."

Noya smiled and adjusted himself so that he was fully on top of Asahi.

"You're pretty comfortable."

"Am I now?"

"Yeah-" Noya yawned.

"HAH, that was a yawn. You are tired." 


"Well okay, would you get off of me?"

"No. You're my pillow now."

"I- well if you'll sleep than sure, whatever floats your boat."








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