My Feet Are Cold ~ KuroKen

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    Kenma shivered.  He turned off his phone and sat up. 

    "Jeez it's cold," he mumbled. 

     The faux blonde walked out of the room and downstairs.  He frowned. He searched the house, freezing cold as he did so.  Kenma began to panic. 


      No response.


       Still no response. 

        Kenma inhaled.

       "TETSURO FUCKING KUROO," he screamed.

        Two seconds later, footsteps could be heard thundering down the stairs.  Kuroo sheepishly poked his head around the corner, a guilty smile on his face. 

         "Hey kitten..."

          Kenma glared at him.

          "Where were you?"

           "So uh, well, funny story-"

           "Just spit it out."

           "I was under the bed."

            Kenma gave him a confused and concerned look.

            "I- what the fuck babe?"

            Kuroo rubbed the back on his neck.

            "I was looking for a blanket. I keep them under the bed."

            Kenma's facial expression changed. 

            "You're cold as well?"

             "Yeah, the power's out-"

              Kenma looked up. Sure enough, the lights were out.


              The younger shifted his feet and stared at the ground. He yawned and shivered once again.  Kuroo gave him a soft smile.  He knew what Kenma was thinking.  He walked over to the smaller and tilted his chin up, making Kenma look at him. 

              "The repair workers will fix the electrical tomorrow, it'll be cold for a while longer.."

               "What are you thinking you rooster."

               Kuroo made a fake-offended face, and gasped.

                "Kyanma! Well anyway, I'm cold, you're cold, you stole the good blanket.."

                "Hey- I did not!"

                 Kuroo blinked at him. 

                 "You're literally wrapped in it."

                 "Oh yeah."

                  Kuroo rolled his eyes. 

                  "Well, we could-"


                    "You didn't even let me finish."

                     "Fine, go on."

                     "I was just going to suggest that we go to bed."

                     Kenma stared at him for a second. 

                     "Oh. Yeah, whatever."







                    Kenma crawled under the blanket next to Kuroo and curled himself into a ball.

                     "Hey Kuro?"


                      "My feet are cold."

                       "Put them between my legs- holy sHIt they're cold."

                       Kenma let out a small laugh.

                      "I told you."

                      "I personally did not think it was possible for someone to be so cold," Kuroo said, wrapping his arms around Kenma's torso.

                        Kenma held on onto the older's arm and sighed.

                       "That sucks for you I guess. I'm not moving my feet."

                       Kuroo groaned.

                        "Dang it."















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