Rainy Days~ BokuAka

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      It was currently raining outside, and Bokuto was spending the day at Akaashi's.  Akaashi was currently studying, and trying to get the older to join him.  It wasn't working, as Bokuto was distracted by the rain outside. There wasn't a storm, just heavy rain.  The two were sitting right by a large window, and they (specifically Bokuto) were finding it hard to focus.  Akaashi took off his glasses and closed his textbooks, and went to sit by his boyfriend.  

      They sat in silence for a while, Akaashi's head on Bokuto's shoulder, enjoying the peace.  Bokuto ran his fingers through Akaashi's curly hair, twirling it around his fingers as he smiled.  It was rare to see them both so calm, meaning these moments were ones Akaashi treasured most. However, the quiet soon ended as Bokuto noticed large puddles forming out in the street. 

      "Akaashi! Look! The puddles are huge!"Bokuto said excitedly, looking down into the street.

      Akaashi sighed. "I see that Kou,"he said softly.  

     "We should go outside!"

     "Maybe, the rain seems to be a bit lighter now. However, we can't stay out for long or we'll get sick," Akaashi responded slowly.

      Bokuto stood up and ran to the front door, putting on the boots he had worn over. "COME ON KEIJI!"

      Akaashi walked down the stairs, and put on his own boots.  Bokuto opened the door and held it open for Akaashi to step out first. 

     "Thank you kind sir," Akaashi giggled.

     "You're very welcome," Bokuto smiled.  

     Akaashi laughed as Bokuto ran to a puddle, and began jumping in it.  He splashed water everywhere, and then yelled for Akaashi to join him. The raven ran to join him, and kicked water onto Bokuto's shins, laughing. 

     "You didn't," Bokuto said in a fake offended voice. 

     "I di-AH!" Akaashi was caught off guard as Bokuto swept him off his feet, carrying bridal style. 

     Bokuto slowly spun in circles with Akaashi in his arms, a large and precious smile  spread on Akaashi's face.  The rain had soaked the taller's hair, and it was now down flat, a rare sight to see.  He didn't pay much attention to it though. He was too focused on Akaashi's beautiful face, the happiest expression shown on it. Bokuto kissed his boyfriend's forehead and gently let him down. 

     Akaashi hugged his boyfriend tightly, and they stayed like this for a bit, just letting the rain fall all around them. They didn't mind.  They began to sway back and forth, and this motion soon turned into a waltz. The pair danced in the rain laughing and smiling, without a care in the world. Both were surprisingly good dancers, and therefore were successful in the elegance department of their dance.  

      Bokuto lifted Akaashi and then dipped him, all in one smooth motion.  As they were dancing, they kicked water at each other, just for the amusement of it. They were both soaked, however, it wasn't cold, and it wasn't uncomfortable for them. The older twirled his boyfriend around, lightly laughing as he did so.  Akaashi hopped up and wrapped his legs around Bokuto's waist. He leaned down to kiss him, snaking his arms around the latter's neck. Neither of the boys could remember a time when they were happier,  pure ecstasy coursing through them both. 

      "You know I love with all my heart, right?" the younger said after breaking their kiss. 

      "I know you do, and I love you as well. You're my world," Bokuto said in sickeningly sweet voice.  Akaashi practically melted right then and there, in his beloved's arms. 

      Akaashi rested his head on top of of Bokuto's, and they stayed like this for a while.




      It was beginning to get colder out, and Akaashi wanted to make sure that neither of the got sick, so the both walked back inside, and they went to shower right away, as they did have mud on them. 

      After showering and changing, (Bokuto was able to change as his missing clothing was in Akaashi's closet,) the two laid on the raven's bed, Bokuto's body wrapped around his boyfriends. It was still raining outside, and the calming noise of the rain lulled them both to sleep. 
















    "Did you get the video of them?"

    "Yeah I did. Who knew that they were so romantic."

    "Mhm. I didn't know my bro could dance so gracefully."

    "You literally looked like you were going to cry."

    "HEY! WAS NOT."

    "You both are so creepy."

     "Shut up Tsukki."

     "Don't call me that you rooster."

     "Shut up you two. Lets just go."

     "Yes sir."







PRIVATE MESSAGES ~ Brokuto 🦉 and Kitten Tamer 💃

Kuroo: *Video sent*

Bokuto: 😳

Bokuto: hoW-

Kuroo: We took a minor field trip today. Nothing much. 

Bokuto: Well you disrupted our nap

Bokuto: I'm going back to sleep- goodnight
















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