Chapter 45

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A/N: This chapter is solely about the attacks and Meredith saying what happened in depth so if you prefer not to read this chapter just move to the next one :)

Meredith's POV:




I can't do this why did I think I could do this? How on earth did I end up in this position of standing up to him. I want Derek to turn the car around, I can't do this how on earth am I supposed to do this. I have to go back to the day it all happened, I have to remember each punch, kick and slap. I don't want to go into the police station.

"Mer, we're here. Would you like me to walk in with you?"

I'm frozen.

I can't move from my seat for many reasons one being my cast but also being I am so incredibly scared for what I'm about to do and say that I physically cannot move out of this chair.

"Come one Mer, wrap your arm around me and we will walk together. You are okay it's just me and all we will be doing is talking, I've been with you every step of the way."

Derek's words were sweet but so many thoughts were running throughout my head.


"They're with my Ma, now here are your crutches, you can do this. You are brave, incredible, fearless and I couldn't be more in love with you Meredith Grey."

"I can do this right, Derek?"

"Of course, you can, you're Meredith Grey."


We walked into the police station and we were greeted by officers saying their hellos and praises to Derek because apparently, he has saved a life for each office. God, he's such a show-off. We've finally got away from all the talking we don't need Derek's ego growing any bigger.

So we sit and we wait for officer Jones I believe to come and greet us. My nerves are slowly rising the longer we stay in the waiting room, Derek is trying to subtly comfort me but he's about to hear every detail about what happened that morning and I'm not sure if he would be able to bare listening to me and all the pain I endured.

"Meredith Grey and Derek Shepherd? Officer Jones is reading for you in interview room 1, please follow me this way."

Here we go, time to get justice.


Jones-"Good Afternoon Derek and Meredith I have to say I'm glad you brought someone with you Meredith, this will be very draining for you. Now before we start I would like you to bring awareness of some things, firstly this will be videoed and recorded so we have it on file if it happens to be too much we can take a break but we must get you to tell us everything, and finally, after you place your statement we will contact you for a follow-up so you can identify your attacker. I know this may be a lot for you Meredith, but we are so thankful you decided to come forward."

"I think I'm ready."

Jones-"Alright then, now I want you to start from the very beginning what you remember before, during, and after the attack."

Here it goes, this is the first time I've talked about the attack in-depth.

"I was running late to work and I was walking towards the E.R doors, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was following me I turned around no one was in sight so I kept walking. I hear more sounds so I turned around once more but this time he was right behind me, but before I got a good look I was knocked out cold *sigh* I woke up in the alleyway he was standing there waiting for me to wake up I suppose, he saw me open my eyes and took the moment to- he started to kick me where he could then he turned to punching and slapping I screamed out in pain and for help but that made him kick harder. I remember getting thrown onto the bin hard, I think I must have rolled off and gone unconscious because when I woke up I had ended up on the ground."

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