Chapter 54: The Gateway

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The Princess, it seemed, had more tricks up her sleeve than Delilah anticipated. 

Before Marzanna even got close, Estelle was moving. In one fluid movement, she'd winnowed behind the goddess and summoned her own flames, tossing them at her exposed back. Marzanna barely avoided it in time, somersaulting forward and landing on one knee.

"Tricky," Marzanna purred, whirling around again. It was so jarring, to see the Queen talk that way to her own daughter. Delilah had to admire Estelle's ability to keep calm. She still loathed the female but could admit now that she respected her. Somewhat. "And here I thought you wouldn't have the gumption to attack your own mother." 

"You are not my mother," Estelle seethed, eyes flickering with heavenly light. "You are an abomination in my world. One that I will soon be rid of." 

Alright, maybe not so calm. Estelle looked like she'd rather curl up in a ball and sleep than fight the goddess. But Delilah supposed that was to be expected when one's mother was possessed. 

"Nyx, you need to get out of here," Delilah told him, following Marzanna's movements with her bow. "Now." 

"What? No! I'm not leaving you here to fight her alone!" Nyx protested. "You have no idea what she can do." 

"And you do?!" Delilah didn't spare him a glance. 

"That's Aelin Galathynius, Delilah," Nyx said. "You've heard the same stories I have." 

"Stories that I now carry, boy," Marzanna said, her voice dripping with honey. "Muscle memory is a wonderful thing, no?"  

Without warning, Estelle suddenly hurtled forward, sword poised to slice straight through her mother's neck. At the last moment, she shifted the blade, and Marzanna twisted. Instead of cutting skin, the sword shaved off the side of the shift the queen wore. Marzanna flicked her wrist, and a knife appeared in her palm. And then she was moving faster than a hurricane, her knife ringing against the steel of Estelle's blade as Estelle rushed to block the blow meant for her throat. 

"Muscle memory or not, those are not your memories," Estelle snarled. "You are not my mother. You are not the Queen. Mind and muscle working together is the reason behind her skill. And you possess only one of those." 

"Perhaps," Marzanna mused. Fire flickered on her brow. "But this is still her body, Princess. You cannot hurt me without hurting her." 

Anguish passed over Estelle's features. Delilah could feel the tension rippling from her body, and knew the Princess would never be able to truly hurt Marzanna. Not in the way that had to be done. 

So Delilah let her arrow fly. 

Marzanna shrieked as the arrowhead buried itself into her shoulder. Estelle whirled on Delilah, fury causing her eyes to catch with blue fire. 

"Do not hurt her," She snarled, tounges of sapphire flame lashing against her skin. 

Delilah re-strung her bow. "You weren't going to. Somebody had to." 

Estelle's fury dimmed, ever so slightly, as her gaze shifted to Nyx. "Get him out of here." 

"No," Nyx said, shaking his head. "I'm not leaving." He started forward, a hand outstretched as if to take Estelle's, but Estelle turned, her blade extended to press to Marzanna's throat. Nyx faltered as the Princess turned her back on him. 

"Get him out of here," Estelle repeated. The blue fire coating her began to grow, heat simmering from her skin. "Now." 

"Oh, no, Nyx can't leave," Marzanna groaned, ripping the arrow straight from her skin. The wound began to ooze blood, and the Goddess's eyes began to gleam hellfire-red. "I still have quite a need for him. Nyx?" 

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