Chapter 28: The Remembrance

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Nyx wondered if his lungs had simply forgotten how to breathe, or if he was just incapable of it at the moment. 

The woman who stood before him was not the same woman who'd tackled her friend from the rafters the day before. He didn't want to sound vain, but seeing the Princess of Terrasen here... she'd been fierce before, a terrifying beauty he found similar to that of the Valkyries. But now, having replaced her usual tunic and pants with a light green dress covered in tiny crystals, her golden hair now pinned up on her head and adorned with a silver-and-peridot tiara... 

Nyx understood, suddenly, why his mother loved capturing things in paintings. He knew somewhere in the back of his mind that only hours before he'd thought her infuriating, and horrible, and annoying, now... she laughed at something her companion said, and the sight of it sent a breeze singing through Nyx's chest. 

"What're you staring at?" Nyx jumped at the high-pitched, piercing voice coming from his feet. He looked down and saw a small girl with silver hair in two little braids staring up at him quizzically. Nyx exhaled slightly. A child had snuck up on him. That's what he got for gawking at a female like an idiot. 

"Nothing," He told her. She cocked her head slightly, her huge blue eyes making Nyx feel like he was being judged. He shifted uncomfortably as her gaze flicked to his wings. 

"Can you really fly?" She girl asked, reaching up a hand as if to touch his wings. Nyx quickly backed up a step, and she frowned at him. 

"Sorry," He apologized. "Um... you're not really supposed to touch them. And, yes. I can fly." 

The little girl put her hands on her hips. "Why don't you fly home, then? Mama said you're stuck here. Does she know you can fly?" 

Nyx swallowed a bitter laugh. "My home is a little too far away for flying." He squatted to be at the girl's eye level. "What's your name?" 

"Aneryn. Stelle calls me Ana, though," The girl replied. Nyx almost choked on his own laughter. Of course, this is another Galathynius.

"That's a beautiful name," He told her. "I'm Nyx." He stuck out a hand, and she took it, shaking it up and down a few times before releasing him, a smile splitting her cheeks.

"Did you know you have the same name as Feyre Archer-one's son?" Aneryn asked, grinning at him. "Mama says she was the bravest woman she ever met." 

Nyx smiled wryly at the butchering of his mother's name, but didn't bother to correct the girl. "Feyre is my mother. I'm her son." 

Aneryn's mouth popped open in an O. "So can you winnow? Shapeshift?" 

Nyx shook his head. "No, sadly. Neither of those powers was passed on to me." 

"Stelle can winnow," Aneryn said, playing with the hem of her little blue dress. "Maybe she could teach you!" 

Nyx felt that he hid his surprise fairly well. Estelle could winnow? But how? Perhaps some of his mother's magic still lingered in the Queen's blood, if the stories his mother had told him were true. How odd that she inherited a gift of his world while he hadn't. 

Aneryn perked up suddenly and spun in a circle. "Dance! Will you dance with me?" 

Nyx looked up, towards the middle of the room, where a space had been cleared out. He hadn't even noticed the music beginning to play. He recognized it, strangely. He didn't know how he recognized it, but... 

Nyx stood, listening as the music poured into his ears. It was... well, beautiful was a bit of an understatement. It was full of light, this song. Full of happiness and joy that reverberated through his memories, straining for recognition. "What song is this?" 

Aneryn giggled beside him, her head barely reaching his waist. "The Song of Life, of course. It's tradition." 

Nyx blinked a few times and looked down at her, feeling better than he had in days. "What's tradition?" 

"To play it for birthdays." 

"Why?" Nyx asked, looking up again. A few people were dancing now, as the melody began to pick up in pace. He scanned the room, looking for the source.

And found Estelle seated at the pianoforte across the room, her fingers dancing across the white-and-black keys. A young woman with dark hair sat next to her on the bench. Estelle's head was tilted back, her hair gleaming in the sunlight as she swayed to the music, her hands sending the song cascading through the room in a string of lovely notes. 

And suddenly it hit him. The memory Nyx hadn't even realized he had. 

Nyx sat on the couch in the river-house parlor, his hands clasped in his lap as he rocked back and forth to the music. He didn't think he'd ever heard such music before. It made him happy, so happy he could feel his cheeks starting to hurt from smiling. 

Or maybe that was just from watching his family. His Uncle Cassian was spinning his Aunt Nesta around the room, the both of them laughing. His Uncle Azriel was smiling as he stood beside Gwyn Berdara, who was perched on the arm of Emerie's chair. And his parents... 

His parents were across the room, his father leaning against the pianoforte while his mother sat on the bench beside a golden-haired woman. The woman's lithe fingers flew across the keys, spinning the lighthearted, joyous song into the air. Her back was to Nyx, but the silver-haired male who stood beside her saw him watching. He walked over to Nyx and sat down beside him, the babe in his arms hardly stirring, despite the laughter filling the room. 

"Happy Birthday, Nyx," The male said to Nyx. "Did you know today is someone else's birthday?" 

Nyx turned to him, curious and a bit put out. He didn't want to share his presents. "Whose?" 

The male had lifted the babe higher in his arms, revealing the blonde hair covering her head. "This is Estelle. It's her birthday, too." 

Nyx raised himself up onto his knees, examining the baby. "Do I have to give her a present?" 

The male laughed. "No. Her mother took care of that." He nodded to the woman playing the piano. "She wrote this for the two of you. It's as much for Estelle as it is for you, Nyx." 

Nyx grinned down at the baby. "I like it. It makes me happy." He tilted his head, watching as the baby's mouth widened in a yawn, and her eyes popped open. Jade green met storm blue, and the baby stared quizzically up at him. "Do you think she likes it?" 

Rowan Whitethorn grinned down at him, his pointed canines flashing in the candlelight. "I do. I imagine she'll like it more once she grows old enough to play it herself." 

Nyx couldn't tear his eyes away from Estelle. She looked exactly like Aelin had, that day she'd visited Velaris. Playing as though the music was the only thing whirling through her brain, her feet pressing on the pedals and her fingers flying across the keys. 

Nyx could feel the song, somewhere deep inside his heart, burrowing in. As if to ensure he wouldn't forget again. 

He had no plans to. Tomorrow, he'd figure out a way home. Tomorrow, he'd find a way to cross the path between his world and Erilea. But today... he was content to listen to this melody from his past. In a way, it brought him home. For just a breath, he was in the river-house, and it wasn't Estelle at the pianoforte, but Aelin. It wasn't the dark-haired woman on the bench, it was his mother. 

Nyx closed his eyes and let the music fill his aching, homesick heart. And for a moment... his worries faded into the background. 

Yesterday was December 21, Winter Solstice. Yesterday was also the birthday of our favorite Cursebreaker and High Lady, Feyre Archeron. ✨❄️ Happy (late) Birthday, Feyre! Words cannot describe how much you and your story mean to me. How I wish you were real so I could meet you!! (And your mate too! But mostly you!) 🥰

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