Chapter 5: The Ties That Bind

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Estelle gently rocked Genevieve in her arms, trying to keep her sister asleep for as long as she could. Under her breath, she hummed the lullaby her mother had sung to her as a child. 

"The emerald trees dance and the rivers run free, 

The mighty stag follows, watching over me..."

Estelle didn't know where the song had come from, but she'd loved it all her life. It had always brought her peace. And unlike her mother, Estelle liked to think she had a fairly pleasant voice. 

"Somewhere over the mountains, 

There's a place I call my own. 

Somewhere over the mountains, 

There's a land I once called home." 

There was a knock at her door, and Estelle abruptly stopped singing. Aneryn sat up on Estelle's bed, rubbing her eyes. 

"Mama?" She asked blearily. Estelle shushed her and stood up, walking over to the door and grasping the handle. 

"Who is it?" She called through the door. 

"I don't have time for silly questions, Estelle!" Estelle's mother replied. Estelle rolled her eyes and opened the door a crack. 

"What's my middle name?" She asked the woman on the other side. The queen sighed heavily. 

"You haven't got a middle name, darling," She replied, exasperated. "You've got enough names as it is." 

Satisfied, Estelle opened the door. Aelin's eyes went right to Genevieve, then to Estelle's face, then behind her to where her siblings were crowded together on her bed. 

"Are you all alright?" The queen walked into the room and over to the bed, where Aneryn had sat up onto her knees and was grabbing at the air with her fists. Estelle's mother swept Aneryn up into her arms, holding her tightly. 

"We're fine, Mama!" Talen said, sitting up as well and rubbing his eyes. "Estelle sang us a song, and Reave fell asleep, and Ana stole my chocolate, and then we all fell asleep, and then-" 

"Alright, you're fine," Aelin interrupted, leaning down to kiss Talen's head. "Take a breath, dear." 

Reave yawned and sat up as well. He perked up when he saw their mother standing in front of them. "Did you find them?" 

Aelin frowned at her son. "No, we didn't." Her gaze cut to the two younger Galathynius siblings, her message clear. Not here.

Aelin turned and held her arms out for Genevieve. Estelle gladly handed the sleeping baby over, and her mother settled Genevieve into the crook of her arm. She reached out with her free hand and grasped Estelle's fingers tight. 

"Take Reave downstairs to the meeting room in the west wing," She told Estelle, keeping her voice low. "Dorian and Elide are already there. Your father should be there soon, and I'll be down shortly." She released Estelle and turned to her youngest children. "Alright, darlings, time for bed!" 

"What?" Aneryn squawked. "But Mama, I'm not tired! I just woke up!" 

Wishing to avoid the usual bedtime fight, Estelle grabbed Reave by his jacket and dragged him out the door. He followed without complaint but batted her hand away the minute they were in the hall. 

"Where are we going?" He asked as she quickly made her way towards the stairs. 

"We're meeting King Dorian's court and ours in the west meeting room," Estelle explained. "Mother said she'd join us soon." 

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