Chapter 48: The Walls

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Mother above, this female was an absolute work of art. 

Nyx felt that he was free to think such things now, now that they'd agreed to be honest with each other, and her walls were finally down. He'd told her as much when she'd been in his arms for the second time that day. She'd laughed at him, but she'd also held him tighter as if to say she felt the same. Well, at least he knew that much was true. Finally, finally, he knew what was true. This crazy, inexplicable light he'd felt growing in his soul had also been blooming in hers, this woman who he'd known his whole life without even knowing they'd met. He didn't think he'd ever been so grateful for his stupid, reckless heart. His guilt was secondary, his misgivings as well. Everything was secondary to her, to this wonderful, new hope glowing between them. 

They'd spent the better part of the past hour simply talking. Nyx knew from experience that Estelle was not one to sit and listen, and preferred to interrupt you with whatever thought popped into her head at your words. He didn't mind. He could have listened to her all day without complaint. And now, with no walls between them, he took great pleasure in letting her take the lead in conversations, if only because he knew she loved doing so. 

They'd managed to avoid the topic looming over them. The 'aftermath,' Nyx supposed. Of what the truth being out really meant, for her and for him. He didn't want to bring it up, and he sensed she didn't either. So they talked about everything but that. He told her about the Night Court, the Valkyries, and the Illyrians, and the Court of Dreams. And she told him all about her mother's Court, about Terrasen, this beautiful Northern country saved and made by dreamers.

Laying here, with her, their hands intertwined and her voice a low thrum in the air, Nyx could almost forget about the inner battle he'd be facing later. The one he supposed she'd be facing as well. He had to hope they could face it together, but for now...

For now, Nyx pressed a kiss to the back of Estelle's hand. "I suppose we need to get up and face the music before someone comes looking, don't we?" 

Estelle groaned and buried her face into the sheets of her bed. "Do we, though?" 

Nyx grinned at her, his mind taking the time to memorize the look of her golden hair flowing down her bare back to rest on the blankets. He reached out a hand to twirl a strand around his finger. "Probably. Unless you'd rather someone found us like this." 

Estelle groaned again and shoved the sheets from her face to scowl at him. "I do not relish the thought of seeing my family right now. They'll know what happened the second we walk into the room." 

Nyx froze, letting that sink in. "Shit. I hadn't thought of that."

Estelle quirked an eyebrow up. "Not having second thoughts, I hope?" 

"No," Nyx said hurriedly. "It's just... well, your mother may or may not have told me to stay away from you." 

Estelle sat up, her features turning slightly bemused. "She did? When?" 

Nyx opened his mouth, then closed it. "Uh... how long was I out after Reave?" 

"All night, and most of the morning and afternoon." 

Nyx grimaced, sitting up as well. "Um. Yesterday, then." 

Estelle stared at him, open-mouthed. "My mother told you to keep away from me, and so the first thing you do is come back and kiss me?" 

Nyx prepared to apologize, but the Princess just threw back her head and began to laugh. "Oh, this is why you're amazing, Nyx. You've got more guts and talent for getting into trouble than all of my family combined." 

"Hey, you were the one who kissed me. Both times!" He protested, watching her as she slid off the bed and reached for her clothes where they'd tossed them on the floor. She turned her head to look over her shoulder, sticking out her tongue at him as she shoved her long legs into her pants. 

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