Chapter 23: The Acquaintance

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Estelle carefully backed away from the door, heart heavy as she peeled her ear from the crack between the door and the wall. 

Nyx. His name was Nyx. He wasn't just an Illyrian, he was the son of the High Lord and Lady of Night. And he was currently stuck in her world with no way home. 

Estelle felt horrible guilt clawing its way up her throat. She should never have listened to this conversation. It wasn't hers to hear. But she'd been so angry when her mother took the Illyrian away with no explanation. She'd just wanted answers. 

Perhaps she'd have been better off in the dark. 

Estelle stepped back, then spun around and began walking to her room. Everything she'd heard... it made her sick. Both because of Nyx's awful fate and what it meant for her own kingdom. That assassin was looking more like a World-Walker every minute. While it didn't tell her anything about who it could be, it told her the dangers of it increased tenfold. According to her mother, World-Walking was a sealed art. Nyx shouldn't be here. It was impossible. And yet, here he was. 

How? None of it made any sense. The assassin, Nyx, the Wyrdgates, none of it. 

"What did you hear?" Estelle yelped when Reave appeared next to her. He laughed at her jumpiness. "Wow, it must have been something good for you to be so wound up." 

"Go away, Reave," Estelle muttered, continuing to walk to her room. Reave followed her, obviously confused. 

"I know you listened to their conversation," He pushed, ignoring her clenched fists and tense shoulders. "Come on, you must have heard something." 

"I really wish I hadn't," She said, her voice low. Reave stopped talking, his eyebrows knitting together. 

"Is it... something bad?" He asked, serious now. Estelle didn't reply, afraid it would all come tumbling out if she opened her mouth. 

The impossibility of it all was what really frightened her. She'd lived with magic and impossible all her life. But this... the facts didn't line up. And she hated that it confused her so much. 

She stopped outside the door to her room, her hand on the door. "His name is Nyx. He's Feyre and Rhysand's son." 

"What?!" Reave grinned. "That's amazing! We've never met any of them! Did he say what he's doing here?" 

"No. He didn't." Estelle turned to her brother, unsure of how to say what she'd heard. "Reave, he doesn't have a way home." 

His grin fell. "But he came through a door. It should work both ways. Right?" 

Estelle shook her head. "Mother tried. The Doors don't work anymore. His way here was... an anomaly." 

Reave was silent for a moment. "So he's stuck here." 

Estelle didn't bother answering. She swung open her door and ducked inside, closing it behind her. She leaned against it, putting her head back against the wood. 

What the hell did this mean for her kingdom? 


Estelle wandered through the garden, stopping every now and then to pick a flower she thought Odette might like. She knew it was a less-than-noble gift compared to what her friend was sure to receive from others, but she also knew Odette would appreciate the sentiment. 

She stopped next to the huge tree in the middle of the garden. It was currently covered with apple blossoms on every open branch. She reached up and plucked one, tucking it into her pocket. Apple blossoms had always been her favorite scent. 

She sat down on the bench under the tree and set her pile of flowers beside her, taking two hyacinths in her hands and beginning to weave them together. She and Odette had been making flower crowns together since they were children. Her fingers worked quickly, deftly tying the stems together to make a circle. 

"I wouldn't have thought you were a flower person." Estelle managed to stop herself from jumping at the sudden interruption. She looked up and found the Illyrian, Nyx, standing in the archway to the center of the garden. 

"I'm not," She said, annoyed that he'd surprised her. "My friend's birthday is tomorrow. This is for her." She waited for him to leave, but he didn't move. His gaze wandered around the garden, taking in the numerous flowers and trees growing. Meanwhile, Estelle examined him. He looked much better. Yrene must have healed his injuries. He wore new clothes, probably given to him by Estelle's mother. He still wore the blue jacket they'd found him in, though. 

She set down the half-woven crown, heart skipping as she remembered the conversation she'd eavesdropped on. "So. It looks like you're going to be staying here a while." 

Nyx glanced at her again, a bitter smile on his face. "You could put it like that. More like I'm stuck here until I find a way home." 

Estelle stood. "I'm sorry you're stuck here." 

Nyx shrugged. "I'm fine. I just need to find a way home." 

Estelle glanced around the garden. "Then what are you doing here?" 

Nys shrugged again. "Thinking. Aelin--The Queen--" He cleared his throat. "She said I could explore if I wanted to." 

Oh. He'd been looking for a place to be alone. She couldn't help the slight pang of pity in her heart. Nyx seemed to see it in her face. He scowled, stuffing his hands into his pockets. 

"I'm fine. I don't need your pity," He grunted, turning to leave. Estelle snatched up her crown and flowers, walking briskly by him before he could leave. 

"I was just leaving," She said quickly. He stopped, his face expressionless. She stopped as well, turning to face him. "And it's not pity. I..." She hesitated, trying to word it right. "I'm sorry for treating you like a..." 

"Criminal? Enemy?" Nyx finished wryly. Estelle nodded. 

"If I'd have known-" He cut her off. 

"Still sounds like pity, Princess," He said, but he was smiling now. "It's alright. I would have done the same in your position. I'm a stranger in your land, and you just wanted to make sure I wasn't a threat." 

He sounded so hollow, so defeated, Estelle couldn't help but think that maybe he hadn't wanted to be alone at all. 

Impulsively, she stuck out her hand. "I'm Estelle, by the way. I don't think I ever introduced myself." 

He stared at her hand so long, she put it back down, frowning. "What?" 

Finally, he met her eyes. "Nyx." He held out his own hand, and she slowly took it. 

"Nice to meet you, Nyx," She said politely. "Officially, that is." 

Nyx smiled slightly. "Likewise, Princess." 



That is all I have to say. (That is a lie but I refuse to spoil. But it was fucking AMAZING oh my god my mind is going crazy trying to connect it all 😆) All I'm gonna say is there better be a damn good explanation in Multiverse of Madness for that ending!!!!!!

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