Chapter 41: The Stranger

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"Estelle?" Estelle turned, hurriedly swiping at the ash staining her cheeks. 

"What?" She asked Reave as he walked closer. Her brother's eyes widened as he took in the scene around them. Thankfully, he didn't comment on it. 

"The Valkyrie is awake. Mother wanted you to go and... help explain, I guess," He said, his words stilted. His eyes kept flicking from her to the circle of charred grass, and back. "Are you... are you okay?" 

Estelle shook out her hands and stood up, rolling her neck. "I'm fine. Is she still in her room?" 

Reave nodded. "Nyx is with her. So's Katrien. She's looking her over, but she seems fine." 

Reave either didn't notice or didn't want to point out that Estelle had flinched at Nyx's name. She cleared her throat and made to walk by Reave, but he grabbed her wrist to stop her. She met his eyes. Oh, he'd noticed. 

"Did something happen with Nyx?" He asked, his brows drawn low over his eyes. Estelle shook her head and pulled her arm out of his grasp. 

"No," She replied. "He's just upset we haven't found him a way home yet. That's all." 

Reave looked at her, exasperated. "Alright. Whatever you say." He turned away, and raised a hand toward the remains of the target. A cool, snow-kissed wind shot through them, clearing away the smell of smoke. Estelle couldn't even look at the mess she'd made. She shouldn't have let her frustration get the better of her like that.

Reave turned to follow her back inside the castle. For a few seconds, he didn't say anything. Then when they were almost to the doors, he spoke. "You know... I don't think we ever showed Mother the Wyrdmarks we found." 

Estelle stopped dead, her hand a hairsbreadth from the door. She turned slowly back to him. "What did you say?" 

Reave wouldn't meet her eyes. "We never showed Mother my notebook. I guess we forgot about it with... you know, Nyx." 

Estelle dragged a breath down her throat. "You. You forgot to show it to Mother." She wheeled around, anger boiling in her chest. "That was your job! Your only job! How could you forget? You had it when we arrived!" She growled, shoving her hands through her hair. "Where is it?" 


Reave hadn't meant to tell Estelle about the notebook. He still hadn't seen nearly enough of Prythian's magic. But he'd just about had enough of its people. 

Oh, he'd seen the way Nyx sometimes watched his sister when she wasn't looking. He'd seen the way that Estelle had changed since Nyx had arrived. Her usual cool confidence was slipping. He didn't even know if she knew, but she'd missed a meeting with Lady Elide and Lord Ren a few days ago. Estelle never missed meetings. Ever. 

Reave didn't know what Nyx was doing, but he didn't like it. He didn't like Nyx all that much, either, if he was being honest. And when the Valkyrie had shown up, it had just made things worse. Estelle didn't even seem to notice Reave when he talked to her these past few days. She'd been erratic, floating about the castle with her nose in those stupid World-Walking books he knew she and Nyx had been poring over. 

So he'd told her about the Wyrdmarks he'd so carefully hidden away. He didn't care about magic now. Not when it was beginning to hurt his sister. Reave may be a scholar, but if there was one lesson his parents had taught him, it was that family always came first. 

Reave wanted Nyx gone. He wanted this shadow assassin nuisance over and done with, and he wanted his peaceful kingdom back. Nyx was stopping that. So he had to go. 

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