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Tonights the night. The concert is tonight. Liam told me that if I still loved him I should go after him. I'm doing exactly that. I had recieved several of letter from Luke. 

There was a few more hours until the concert. I got bred so I sat on the side of my bed and pulled out the letter I got from Luke. I started reading them over again.   

Dear Tori,

  Things have gotten hard. I miss you. The boys keep telling me everything will be okay, but I just don't think it will. I can't go on without you. I've messed up several shows. I've broken many guitar strings. I accidently broke my acoustic guitar because of frustration. It's like you're my heart, I can't live without you. I miss you. 

Love, Luke

Dear Tori,

  I remember when you gave me letters. I had no idea who you were, but I promised myself I would meet you one day. You didn't write things like other fans did. You wrote about love and adorable things. While some fans write smut and stuff, then send it to me. Every week I would expect a letter from you, it was a weekly routine. I'd wait by the the office for your letters. I had fallen in love with you, I still am. You stole my heart. I don't even want it back, I just want you back.

Love, Luke

Dear Tori,

  So today wasn't too well. I tripped on stage...Michael tripped me. I have to get him back later. He said he did it to get you out of my head. Impossible was what I told him. The boys think I'm obsessing too much over you. I don't remember the last time I talked to the boys. I think 2 days? I don't know. I just can't get you off my mind. I miss your voice, your eyes, your smile, your laugh, your hugs and kisses, I miss everything about you.

Love, Luke

Dear Tori,

I hope I'm not annoying you with these letters. You probably forgot about me by now. You're probably living happily without me. Imagining you with another man makes me weak. I don't want you to be with anybody but me. I love you, but you moved on. I hope you didn't move on. I surely haven't. You're the best thing thats ever happened to me. Without you I'm nothing. I can't go on without you.

Love, Luke

I folded up the last letter and sighed. I looked outside. I sat in the chair and watched the sky as if it could tell me something.

"I haven't forgotten about you Luke. I miss you too. I love you. I can't live without you either. Soon Luke, just a few more minutes and we'll be back together again, hopefully. I can't wait to see your eyes again, your smile, your laugh, your voice, your everything. It's been too long and I can't wait to see you." I said as if I was talking to Luke. I sighed and put my head on the table, still looking outside.

Dear Luke // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now