"I don't think so," Miu answered this time while Miko just shook her head in denial "We're completely full, and you lack basic education. No offense"

"None taken..." I replied,  because it was a truth as well that I had to drop school, or more like forced to leave as soon as my compulsory studies were done. I sighed, feeling how my mind started to get clouded quickly.

"Anyway, we should get going" Miu said to Miko who nodded. 

"Where to?" I asked, making them stop. They looked at each other before their eyes laid on me, looking apologetic once again.

"Eh we were going to the spa..." Miu answered.

"We didn't tell you because well, you're broke. So we thought it would be less painful for you..." Miko added. 

Something in my chest felt wrong at their words and only got worse and worse as seconds passed and they continued to stay in silence. As if they knew how I was feeling, yet all they did was leave with a quick sorry and 'see ya later'.

Once again my eyes got lost on the floor, and this time my money problem wasn't the only thing fogging my mind with grim thoughts. 'I guess this was why they tried to keep it from me...' I thought with another sigh as I finished my drink. 

I gripped it tightly, deforming it as I shoved my hand into my pocket to look for the money I had. But as I only took a few coins the weight on my body only increased. I knew I had more back in my apartment, but I also knew it would soon not be enough so it honestly didn't help at all.

I stood up, threw the can into a near bin, and stepped into the more crowded streets. I inhaled once deeply, trying to get rid of the awful creeping sensation that had been following me especially close lately. Then I started to gaze around me, at the people that were living their lives: some kids running around happily, an old lady doing some grocery shopping, a couple that was walking holding hands, ... They all looked happy, and I didn't want to ruin that. So I kept looking. I observed and scouted, and after a few hours, I finally spotted someone I didn't feel so bad stealing from. 

This time it was an old woman who had screamed at some kids for playing near her house. She was cleaning the entrance of her own apartment as I approached her, and I didn't even have to think of how to get what she had in her pockets as she was giving me her back. And exactly, as easy as taking candy from a baby I got a bracelet made of pearls from her wrist as well as her whole wallet. 

I smiled to myself as I looked inside the wallet once I was far enough from her house and from any crowded street. But as I started counting the money I bumped into a hard chest, almost falling back onto my ass. I looked up, my smile instantly disappearing as I saw Kakashi frowning at me, this time with his Anbu mask resting on top of his head which allowed me to see his stern look for the first time. I gulped.

"Return that" he ordered me. 

My fingers gripped the money tighter and my skin started to burn. I didn't want to. 

"W-what?" I tried to play dumb, but his dark eyes only squinted more at me. And hadn't I been too stressed by having been caught, again, I would have perhaps paid more attention to the half of his face that was visible. Although I did take notice of his beautiful eyes and scar on the left side of his face. 

"Return what you've stolen. Now" he repeated himself sounding as stern if not more. 

"B-but I—" I tried to reason with him, trying to make him see that I needed the money more than that woman. 

"Now" he said louder and more seriously. 

I fidgeted slightly, looking at the money dejectedly, and turned around, walking back to that woman's apartment as I felt my chest tighten again and tears threatening to spill.

Alone together [Kakashi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now