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Asia's POV

I walked downstairs and finished my math homework as the clock read 3:22. I closed the book and leaned back in my chair, letting out a breath.

I was about to get up and go upstairs when the lights turned on. I groaned at the sudden change in light.

I looked over at the light switch.

Dallas Winston.

He was wearing his jeans with nothing else on as he walked the same route he did last night.

I groaned. I grabbed my book and started to walk upstairs.

"Leaving so soon?" He asked.

"The sooner the better." I complained.

As I walked past him he spoke up. "Y'know, I'm really not that bad." He said.

I rolled my eyes and stopped. "Weren't you the guy who tried to hit me as soon as I turned around? And let two idiotic guys harass me over a line on my leg? And pissed me off last night and didn't even seem to care?"

"The last two weren't my fault entirely." He said.

His eyes were staring into mine. There was something so unambiguous about them.

"Cant take your eyes off of me, huh, darlin'?" He asked.

I quickly made up an excuse. "In your dreams. I'm simply trying to get a read on you." I said rolling my eyes. I stopped for a second. "I may have met worse people than you, but I'll take any chance I can to avoid you. Let's not make this an every night kinda thing." I said.

I walked upstairs trying to act as confident as I could have been.

Dallas made me nervous. The way his eyes trailed into my soul... or how his hands could kill me with one blow... his abs so perfectly placed on his body.


Asia, what are you doing?!

I've worked my ass off for years to act confident and be who I wanted to be. He isn't gonna come in and ruin this.

I need some sleep.

I woke up the next day and went to school. I normally walked with the guys, but I left early to avoid them. I didn't know if they were gonna bring Dallas with them.

Hell, he might not even go to school.

But I wasn't taking that chance.

I walked up to my locker and I saw someone out their hand next to my locker on the locker next to mine. "Hey." Someone said.

I looked over. I didn't recognize him. He kinda had that unambiguous look that Dallas had. But he was more... I don't wanna say ugly... but he was ugly.

At least Dallas was attractive.

"Can I help ya?" I asked.

"I noticed ya the other day. I just thought you were pretty and I'd say hi." He said. "I'm Tony."

"Hi." I said, hesitantly shaking his hand.

"How do ya say I take you out tonight?"

"I'm busy." I said, closing the locker.

"Doing what?"

"Avoiding my dumb roommate." I said quickly saying the first thing that came to my mind. I wasn't completely lying.

"Come on. I'll take you to the drive in and we can hang out for a bit after."

I thought for a second. "Fine. But I'll meet you at the drive in. The one off Avondale?"

"Yep. See ya tonight at 7."

"See ya." I said.

Once he was out of sight I rolled my eyes. I had nothing better to do, but I didn't wanna go.

"What was that about?" Jenna asked coming up next to me.

"I got asked on a date." I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh my God! Really? That's awesome!" She said.

I groaned. "Not really."

She giggled. "Maybe you can lose your virginity tonight."

I looked at her like she was crazy. "What?" I asked. "My virginity?"

"Yeah. Ya know... get dirty in the back seat of his car." She said winking.

"No way. Not with a stranger."

"You gotta loose it at some point. What if you were to die tomorrow? Gotta loose it at some point."

I laughed. "Bold of you to assume I haven't lost it yet." I said.

"Have you?" She asked.

I hadn't, but my ego was too big to admit it. I would never admit something like that to anyone.

Before I could respond with an excuse, I felt someone come up next to me.

"Hey." He said.

For the first time in my life, and most likely the last, I was thankful for Dallas being near me.

I groaned. "This is my queue to leave." I said turning the corner.

"Wait, but I want an answer to my question."

"Later!" I yelled back as I walked down hall B.

Dallas' POV

"What was that about?" I asked. Her friend, Jenna I think, gave me a slight shrug and moved on. "God, what'd I ever do to you?" I asked.

"I dunno. Nothing really, but Asia doesn't like you and I hate everyone she hates."

Jesus Christ, why are girls so damn complicated?

My curiosity took the best of me. I wanted to know more about her. It's not like I've never heard of her before I moved in with Logan. But she's a lot different than what I expected.

To be honest, I'm not a hundred percent sure what I expected. Maybe some badass bitch who thinks she owns the place. Or a confident chick who knows what the hell she's doing. A girl who throws a party every weekend, because everyone seems to like her?

But I learned she's more... unambiguous. I wasn't sure of the right word to use, but that seemed right.

I couldn't really get a read on her most of the time. Sometimes it seemed to be that my interpretations were right. That she was some crazy popular girl with all the confidence in the world and everyone wishes they were her.

But after just this one conversation I overhead with her friend, all the confidence seemed to be nothing, but an act.

Unfortunately UnluckyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora