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Asia's POV

Charlie and I were finally separated and went into the homes. I had all my stuff from Logan's in a trash bag and I went right to bed.

I was supposed to be doing other things, but I didn't care. I didn't wanna. I had officially lost everything I ever had in life.

A home. A best friend. My dignity. Someone I whom I told I loved.

God, I can't believe I told him that. He's already probably made it to California.

Even if he forget everything about New York, including me, I hope he's doing well.

The next few weeks went by in a blur. I was driven to school every day and I saw Charlie, Devin and Logan there, but it wasn't the same. We didn't talk to each other. Most of the time I skipped school and went back before the bus back home got there.

Either that or I'd spend most of my time in the bathroom.

It was all so different. So unlike how it was before.

I hated it.

I told myself before Jenna disappeared that I hated being alive. I hated living. I wanted to disappear. I laugh at that now. Boy if only I knew what was coming.

I eventually stopped keeping track of my life. I didn't care to remember what happened during the next month of chaos. But I was done.

That was until someone wanted to take me in.

I told them I didn't wanna go, but they asked for me specifically.

And to top it all off, Charlie was also being taken into a new family.

"Are you nervous?" Charlie asked me.

"Little bit. You?" I asked.

"Little bit." We both laughed. "We're getting new families. I hate this. I hate my family, but this is worse."

"My moms in the system. She wants to get sober. I think. I dunno. It's late now, but I have to go to someone else while she's trying her best? No thank you."

We walked out the doors of the building and into an office.

"Charlie, this is Mister Ryan Plocky and Misses Wanda Plocky." The lady said.

"Plocky? What kinda last name is that?" Charlie asked. We both laughed.

"Asia, this is Mister Garrett Brown and Misses Linda Brown, and this is their son, Dominick Brown."

"If you already have a kid, what's the point of another? Sounds miserable."

Charlie and I grinned.

"Get away from that girl." Charlies new "mom" said. She grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards her.

"Hey!" He yelled. "She's my friend!" He scolded.

"Not anymore. We're putting a restraining order on her." His new "dad" said. "You will also be sent to a private all-boys school ten miles from here."

"WHAT?!" Charlie and I both yelled.

I laughed. "You! Private school! Uniform! Ha!"

I laughed so hard I almost started crying. "Make sure your bow tie stays tidy." I said mocking his foster parents.

"This is why we're putting a restraining order on this... delinquent." She said.

"What'd you just call me?" I asked crossing my arms.

"You can't do that!" Charlie yelled.

"Until your eighteen, we can." The guy yelled.

He looked at me. "That's only like six months. It's fine. We'll figure this out."

They grabbed his arm and pulled him out the door. I sighed and looked at the three people standing in front of me. Dominick looked about my age. Maybe slightly older.

"Your new kid has a criminal record!" I yelled just before the door closed behind Charlie.

"Hi, it's so nice to meet you. I read your story and we just had to take you in!" Linda said, excitedly.

"Yeah, 'cause loosing my best friends and family all at once is so fun." I said, dully.

I walked out the door without giving them any time to respond.

There was no talking my way out of this one.

Which is very unlike me.

I always thought I could talk my way out of anything.

But whatever.

We got to their house and it wasn't like Logan's. It wasn't like mine though. It was more like Jenna's, which just made me feel worse.

They had my room all set up and it was nicer than my one in Detroit, but I wished I was back at Logan's.

Not because it was better physically, but I loved it so much more, because it was home.

I took an opportunity to shower and get ready for bed. I had my own bathroom, which was nice. I was told to come and eat dinner with them, but I said no.

I haven't had a real appetite since Jenna disappeared.

I've only been eating to live.

Even then, it's too much work for me.

I went to bed and woke up at three in the morning.


I went into the kitchen. I was hungry. I haven't eaten in a while, I guess. I didn't know where anything was, so I just got a glass of water.

"What are you doing?" Someone asked.

I turned to my right to see Dominick in the doorway. "What does it look like I'm doing?" I asked, dumbly.

"Didn't mean to frighten ya. Just wondering." He said coming up next to me.

"You didn't frighten me." I said, crossing my arms.

"So you're used to people walking up to you at three in the morning while you're in the kitchen?"

I frowned. "You have no idea." I whispered, going back to getting stuff out of the fridge.

"Go ahead and act all mysterious now. I'm gonna find out more about you."

"What's more to find out?" I asked. "Did you not read about me? You're supposed to before you take someone in." I said, plainly.

"It's unlike me to read. Don't except it."

"I don't expect anything from you. I hate you already. We aren't friends. We don't have to talk."

"We do have to talk. We're siblings."

"No! We are not..." I said, getting quieter as I finished my sentence.

I went to leave, but he stood in front of me. "Y'know, you're very beautiful." He said.

"I know. But don't you think that's a little weird to say that because we're "siblings"?" I said, making sure to put air quotes around 'siblings.'

I walked around him and went back to my room.

Seven months and I'll be eighteen. Then I'm out of the system and I'm done for life.

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