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Asia's POV

I went downstairs and walked past the room of arguing boys to make pancakes.

For a second I thought Jackson was gonna throw a punch at Charlie, but he didn't. He stopped.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Guys. Guys. Stop!" He yelled.

Everyone stopped arguing.

"What's todays date?" Jackson asked.

"May 31st. W-" Devin started. He began to ask why, but I knew he realized.

"Asia..." Jackson drawled. "What's today?"

"Saturday." I said sarcastically.


"The last day of May?" I asked continuing to play dumb.

"Anything else...?" Logan asked leaning into it.

"Six more days until schools out?" I asked.

"Asia!" Jenna yelled running through the door. I sighed. "Where's the birthday girl!" She yelled.

I turned around and she threw a bazillion bags to the floor. She ran up and hugged me, squeezing my guts until they were all scrambled up like eggs.

"Good morning, Jenna."

"How does it feel to be seventeen!?" She asked excitedly.

"One, I'm only sixteen. I don't turn seventeen until 1:05. I have a few hours to go. Two, I feel the same."

She rolled her eyes. "Come on. These boys should be making breakfast for you. Come open your gifts."

"I said I didn't want anything." I said with a slight smile as she pulled me to the couch.

"You also asked me not to remind everyone it was your birthday. I already did that, too."

I groaned. She sat next to me and handed me the gift bags.

Oh to be rich enough to buy your friend a hundred dollars worth of things. Most of it was clothes and accessories, but I was still grateful. She always got me the most stuff I've ever received for my birthday. Then I always feel bad that on her birthday I couldn't match it. She insists it's fine, but I do feel terrible.

Devin, Charlie, Logan and Jackson all gave me a small bag, too. "I told you guys I didn't want anything..." I mumbled.

"You say a lot of things we don't pay attention to." Devin said with a sarcastic wink.

I laughed. "That's fair."

They were all something small, but I know they tried their best, which I was thankful for.

"Alright. I'm telling you guys all now... next year I don't want anything. No recognition, no gifts, nothing."

"Good luck with that. Jenna has the memory of a goldfish." Logan said grinning at her.

She rolled her eyes. "Do not."

"Do too."

Devin laughed.

"I've got one more thing. Get your fanciest dress tonight, because I made us a reservation for the Blue Moon at 6."

"WHAT!" I screamed.

"Shut... up..." Charlie muttered.

"You're kidding." Devin continued.

"Holy-" Dallas started.

"For real?" Logan asked.

"Yes! Just you and me." She said.

"And to think I thought birthday were unessential! Jenna! You're the best!" I stood up and squealed. "Oh my God! Best day ever! We gotta start getting ready!"

Jenna laughed. The Blue Moon is the most desired restaurant in town and it's reservation only. It's nearly impossible to get in. Not even Logan can get in with his kinda money.

The fact that I'm gonna be there is insane!

I should take advantage of birthdays.

Jenna helped me get ready before her dad came and picked us up in his car. I never felt prettier. I had one of Jenna's dresses on and she did my makeup.

Then we were there. The most sophisticated place in all of town.

Jenna and I talked over the fanciest dinner, fully paid for by her dad and she brought up the topic of virginity... again. She obviously hasn't noticed the absurd amount of foundation on my neck leading to my chest yet.

"So are you gonna admit your a virgin yet?" She said, teasing me.

"Actually, Jenna, I'm not a virgin."

She gasped. "What?!" She yelled.

"Shh!" I said. "I'm not a virgin. I've slept with someone. He's not a football player, but he's... he's something." I said.

"You're blushing. Do you have a boyfriend?" She asked.

I sighed. "No. But goddamn, I wish we were more than whatever we were."

"Who's the guy? Do I know him?" She asked.

I grinned. "You know him." I said.

"Don't leave me on this kinda suspense, Asia, who is it?" She asked.

I grinned. "Dallas Winston."

She laughed. "Asia, you can't trick me. Come on. Are you messing with me? You are a virgin, aren't you?"

I pushed my dress down every so slightly. I took the spoon to see the reflection and dipped my napkin in water to rub away some of the foundation on my chest.

"Asia Adams! Those are dark! Holy fuck!"

"Jenna! Shh!" I said quickly.

"You weren't kidding. Dallas? Like the same Dallas you've told me you despised at least a dozen times?"

"The same one." I said, quietly.

"When was this? It had to have been recent."

"Last night, actually. You know how I always wake up in the middle of the night?" I asked. She nodded. "He noticed I did that and started waking up to talk to me. He also help me crush up Tony's car. And he led me around on a speed chase through the city..." I said unable to help my mind wandering.

"Oh my God. So you guys like each other?" She asked.

"I dunno." I said putting my fork down and leaning my elbows on the tables. "Just a couple days ago I thought we both hated each other. I mean, I thought he was attractive, but I hated him as a person. Then he tells me he actually wants to talk to me and now I'm obsessed with him."

I put my head on the table and groaned. Jenna laughed. "Asia Adams has a crush on a guy. Who woulda thought."

"Shh. I don't know if I do."

"You do. You smile every time you talk about him."

I ignored her comment. "I just wished I knew how he really felt about me. Does he really like me? Or is he making up everything he's said just to get me to be another one of his side chicks?"

"Well, I can always find out." She said with a mischievous grin.

"Whatever you plan on doing, stop thinking it." I said.

We both laughed. "I'm sure you'll figure it out. You always do."

"I sure hope I do..."

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