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Asia's POV

I had a total of seven hours until dad and I were leaving for the train station. I had to pack all of my things, which wasn't a lot, into a suitcase and a small backpack. Everything else would be left behind and thrown out.

I managed to fit most of my stuff, but I did have to pick and choose with a few things.

I took one last look at my room. I'm gonna miss the fire escape. I hope there's one in New York outside my bedroom window. It's a good getaway spot.

"Goodbye..." I muttered to myself before closing the door.

I trailed behind dad as we took a bus to the train station and waited there until 5:00 when the train would arrive to take us to New York.

Part of me was excited about New York. All I ever wanted in life was to be confident. All I ever wanted was a real group of friends who cared about me. Not the shitty friends I have now who would sell me for a dime. This is my chance to get those things.

But another part of me was gonna miss Michigan. I had good memories here. I liked my bedroom, even if it was small. It held memories. How I sat on my bed countless times stitching up stab wounds. Or listening to muffled screams from the kitchen from the fire escape.

Hell, they aren't good memories, but it's all I've ever known and it helped me realize that the only person who will ever truly be there for me is... well, me.

I watched out the window for almost the entire ride to New York. There wasn't much else to do. Dad fell asleep for most of the train ride. And I found it hard to sleep on public transportation.

We finally got off the train and dad was unsure of where we were going. He'd never admit it and bruise his ego, but it was so obvious.

He had to ask a stranger where the New York City Inner Apartments were. It sounded so fancy! How could he even afford it?

But it was only once I walked closer and closer to the apartments, they weren't nice. And it kinda reminded me of how it was in Detroit. Except worse.

We opened the room with the small key dad had in his pocket and walked inside. My first reaction was that it smelled like dead rats, which there very well could have been dead rats in the place. The next thing I noticed was that it was a kitchen combined with a living room. Two doors lined the walls. It was a small apartment. Definitely smaller than my house back in Michigan. But maybe the bedrooms are nice?

I put my stuff down and asked dad, "Which bedroom is mine?"

"There's only one bedroom." He said opening one of the doors.

"Huh? There's two doors? What's the other one?"

He ignored me as I opened the other door. It was a bathroom. I completely forgot about that. What about me?

Dad slammed the door to his room and I heard him aggressively put stuff away. I stood in the apartment, shocked I didn't even get a place to sleep.

I put my stuff in the corner and looked around. I have a feeling I'll spend a lot of time sleeping in the bathtub. We didn't have any furniture yet, but once we get a couch, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Who am I kidding.

This. Sucks.

I changed my clothes and took a shower and I felt my stomach growl. I took an educated guess by thinking we didn't have any food.

But I had to find out about school. If I ever wanted to get the confidence and friends I wanted, this was step number one.

"Dad!" I called out. "Dad!" I yelled again, once he didn't answer.

"What do ya want!" He asked walking into the kitchen.

"Can we go to a school and ask about enrollment?" I asked.

"Do it yourself." He said, rolling his eyes.

"I can't. You need a parent there. Come on, please?" I begged.

"Jesus Christ, hurry up." He snapped putting his coat on. I quickly threw on my shoes and followed him.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"I don't know. I've been here just as long as you have." I said sarcastically.

"Knock it off with the attitude, you got it? You're lucky I'm even doing this right now." He said pointing his finger in my face.

I rolled my eyes knowing damn well he has to do this or he gets in trouble with the authorities.

We asked around and found the New York City middle school. We met with the principal and he said I can start Monday. Just four more days until I get to turn my life around.

I memorized the way from the apartment to the school, because I knew dad wouldn't be helping me out.

I went home and dad went out to find a job. He didn't come back that night. I decided to walk around town. I knew I probably shouldn't have been out by myself, but I wanted to see more.

I quickly realized it was a bad idea. I was lost in an unfamiliar part of New York City and it didn't look like a good part of town. I was shaking from the cold as I walked the lifeless streets.

"You lost?" Someone asked from behind me.

I jumped a bit. It was a woman's voice. I quickly turned around and it was a family. A mom, dad, and two kids. One boy and one girl.

"Y-Yeah." I wanted to continue on, but I was still shaking from how scared I was.

"Come here, darlin'." The mom said. "Where's your parents?"

"I-I don't know." I started crying a bit. I hated crying. I always felt so vulnerable. "I- my mom lives in Michigan and my dad and I just moved here. My dad went to a job interview and I wanted to walk around and find food and now I'm in an unfamiliar part of town and I don't know what to do." I said, quickly. I wiped my tears away as the woman looked at her husband.

"Take the kids home. I'm gonna find this girls dad." She said to him. He grabbed the two little kids, who must have been maybe five at the most, and turned the other way. "I'm gonna need you to tell me where you live so I can get you home." She said, bending down to my level.

It made me nervous to talk to strangers, especially about personal information. But I was desperate so I guess I've gotta do what I've gotta do.

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