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Asia's POV

I walked downtown and I was pretty familiar with the area by now. At least enough to get through four more days.

"Asia!" A girls voice called out.

I turned around, unsure of what female would be talking to me here. It took me a moment, but I smiled when I realized who it was.

"Hey, Sylvia. It's been a hot second."

"Yeah it has. Never thought I'd see you again." She said walking up to me.

"Same here, to be honest." I said with a grin.

"I actually wanted to talk to you. I don't know why, but I assumed I'd see you before you went to... Texas was it?"

I nodded. "Yeah. What's up?"

"I wanted to say thanks. For helping me out. Even if you don't realize you did." I raised an eyebrow. "I've been so boy crazy my entire life and... this is gonna sound so stupid, but talking to you made me realize there's more to life than trying to get a guy to like me. Like I wish I could go back in time and undo my obsessions."

I wish I could undo a lot of things.

I gave her a weak smile. "Well, I'm glad. You deserve it." I said softly.

"Thanks. So what are you doing back here?" She asked as we started walking together.

"Long story short, I'm done staying in one spot, 'cause I realized I'm miserable everywhere I go. I wanted to leave as soon as possible and the girl in Texas said I could come here at two in the morning and then take a train at five in the morning or wait. So I came here and I missed the train, 'cause I fell asleep."

I kinda lied. I dunno how Dallas would feel if I told her about last night.

"Now how about you tell her what actually happened?" Dallas said walking in between us.

"Good morning to you, too, Dal." I said rolling my eyes.

He grinned. Sylvia spoke up. "So... is that not what happened?"

"It's the basics." I said.

"She missed out the part where I had to get on my knees and beg her to stay for four more days."

Sylvia laughed. "Really? Dallas on his knees. Never thought I'd hear about that." I laughed.

Dallas spoke up. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I've got four days to get her to stay here or she's leaving and we're never gonna see her again."

"Four days until I possibly get to the start the rest of my life." I said excitedly, directed towards Sylvia. She laughed a bit and Dally rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't get too ahead of yourself." He said.

"Cocky, aren't ya?" I asked.

"Possibly. I just need to get you in a more optimistic mood."

"Good luck. I've got my heart set on leaving."

"You really like to make things difficult, don't ya?"

"Alright. I gotta go." Sylvia said laughing. "Have fun, you two."

She turned left as we continued straight. "I don't know how you don't like her." I said.

"I don't know how you do. But to be fair, she's less annoying now. I dunno how, but one day she woke up and I didn't hate her as much anymore."

I grinned. "Crazy."

We walked around for a bit until we found ourselves at the diner that Dominick and I got into our fight at.

We walked in and a group of people came in behind us. I quickly noticed it was the group of boys Dallas is friends with.

"Hey, Dal." Johnny said.

"Hi, Asia." Ponyboy said. I gave him a slight smile.

"Hey." I said, quickly.

"Hey, guys." The hostess said. "Seven?" She asked like she already knew.

"Eight today, actually." Steve said. "You staying?" He asked me.

I looked at Dallas. I didn't wanna, but I'd let Dallas answer for me. "Yeah, she's staying."

"Cool. Your regular table fits eight; so, you're all good." She said pointing.

"Thank you." Darrel said.

We all sat down and the server came over. It was a girl about my age. "Hey, y'all. How we doing today? Your usuals?" She asked.

"Yeah." Darry said pausing his conversation with Two-Bit.

"Perfect! Be right back."

"Usuals?" I asked Dally.

"We come here a lot. The girls name is Cindy. She's kinda... a lot." Sodapop said in place of Dally.

"Tell me about it." Dallas uttered.

"Well is she gonna bring me anything?" I asked.

"She probably just didn't notice ya. She's not used to anyone else." Ponyboy said.

"Hope so. I'm starving." I whispered.

Dallas put his arm around me and I leaned into him as I looked in the menu.

"Here's everyone's drinks." She said placing it in front of everyone. She went to go set Dallas' drink down and she spilled it on the table and it dripped into my lap.

I jolted up at the cold water hitting my legs. "Jesus..." Dallas muttered.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry. Here, let me get some napkins for ya."

I groaned and as she turned, she knocked Ponyboy's coke over real quickly. She grabbed it before it completely spilled and dropped it again...

On me.

I groaned as all the ice cubes dropped down me.

"Shoot! I'm so so so sorry!" She said.

I slammed the menu down on the table and headed towards the bathroom. "Four more days... four more days... four more days..." I muttered as I made my way to clean this shit up.

Dallas' POV

You have got to be kidding me.

"Oh no..." Cindy mumbled as Asia went to the bathroom. "I'm so sorry, guys."

"Don't worry about it. Accidents happen." Darry said.

She sat where Asia was sitting after she grabbed the napkins. She wiped down the table, moving closer to me every time I moved further away. She was practically on top of me.

"I want a new waitress." I said rudely.

"What? It was an accident." Cindy said. She tried to sound all innocent and shit, but I wasn't buying it.

"Dallas, I'm sure she didn't mean it." Johnny said.

"I'm not buying it. Either we get a new waitress or I'm leaving." I said.

Hopefully I made myself clear.

Unfortunately UnluckyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora