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Asia's POV

Hours went by and Charlie finally woke up. They moved Devin, Charlie and I to the the same room. Logan and Jackson sat in the chairs with us.

The anesthesia and pain medications wore off pretty quickly. It hurt like hell, but I was grateful to have a few minutes with my friends before being questioned by the cops.

We all had to go one by one, in separate rooms, to tell our side of the story. This wasn't just a gang fight anymore.

It was a missing persons case.

No traces of Jenna were found. Her parents already put a shit load of money into finding her. I put in everything I could. It wasn't much, but I tried.

I talked to Jenna's parents. I told them everything. Her mom was in hysterics. Her dad was also crying, but he was able to listen. I was sobbing by the end of the story.

"I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have let her go. I should have run after her..." I trailed off. I couldn't take it.

"You did all you could. We'll find her." Her dad assured me.

I don't know if I believed him.

Days, weeks and months went by before I was allowed to leave the hospital. Jenna was never found. Neither was Dallas. But I never told anyone I told him to leave.

I stopped keeping track of what I did in the hospital. Every second was worrying about what came next. But it was all unknown. It was all unclear. Nobody knew what to expect.

Devin was dismissed from the hospital first. Charlie and I were dismissed at the same time. All of our parents were called. Everyone's came to visit their kids except mine.

Turns out, Jackson ran away from his dad in Arizona and his mom never even knew he was back. He was sent away pretty quickly. His dad was fined quite a lot of money for letting his kid run off and his mom was also fined for violating their agreement.

I didn't think any of them should have to pay. It was Jackson's fault. But what's done is done.

Charlie's parents started playing mommy and daddy when they got the call, but Charlie wasn't having it. If you had any senses, you could tell they weren't sober the second they walked through the door.

Devins parents were called and they took him home, also pretending to play good ol' mom and dad.

Logan's parents came quickly, which wasn't unexpected. They were sobbing and Logan wasn't even hurt. They took him home quickly.

My parents didn't show.

My dad was called, but he didn't answer.

My mom answered... said she wouldn't come. But they weren't gonna tell me that. I overheard it while I was "sleeping."

But they had to call her and tell her if she doesn't get her and my dad down here it will mean serious time, since we're all going to court.

My prediction is that Logan and Jackson will be fine. The rest of us, probably not.

The court date was in three weeks from today. I stayed at Logan's along with Charlie. Devin sucked it up and went home.

My life was hell. Nothing was certain. I got the pleasant opportunity to talk with Logan's parents about everything.

Got a call from my mom calling me everything she could possibly think of...

Not good things.

She and my dad were going to be at the court in the weeks to come.


I spent the next couple weeks dreading my life.

I had to go to the courthouse a bazillion times already to talk about Jenna. I broke down in huge sobs every time.

I felt ridiculous crying in front of Charlie, Logan and Devin, but I couldn't help it. No matter how hard I tried, I could not help, but cry.

Every time I looked at her parents, I saw her.

Every time Jenna's mom broke down into painful screams of sadness and regret, I could just hear Jenna's voice. Her voice crying for me to help her.

I went back. I went back to the place she vanished. The last place I saw her. I wanted to find her.

I never did.

I went back every day. School was no longer a priority. I didn't care.

I didn't have my best friend anymore.

I told Dallas I loved him and now he's somewhere halfway across the country.

Charlie, Devin and I are all about to get separated.

Anyone with common sense could tell that we were.

Our court date is tomorrow to decide custody situations. My parents are both in New York, Devin's parents are trying to figure shit out, Charlie's parents are just going in hoping for the best and Logans parents already found the best lawyer they could find and have plans to keep Logan safe and try their best with us.

They might have a fancy ass lawyer, but with my parents shitty public defender, I'm not gonna get anywhere.

Everyone keeps telling me that the whole outcome is unknown at the moment, but it's really not.

I know exactly what's going to happen.

It took a little bit of time, but it wasn't too hard to connect the dots.

Again, anyone with a brain can put the pieces together to find out we all have deadbeat parents and Logan's family was just trying to help.

Whatever happens, I'm expecting the worst.

I go in thinking the worst and I'll either be right or pleasantly surprised.

I've gone my whole life thinking that and it's worked for me so far.

Why stop now?

The only time I tried to have an optimistic attitude was finding Jenna.

Four months later and look where that's gotten me.


I found my nicest outfit and tried to get ready for the day. I've found it harder to get up and get ready every day without Jenna here.

I have nothing to live for anymore.

Dallas, Jenna, my friends... none of it mattered.

I didn't care anymore.

But if there's any day I need to look presentable, it's now.

I did my hair, makeup and got dressed for likely one of the worst days of my life.

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