Archaic Revelations

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 Dr. Bosworth finally explains that it all dates back to the incident that took place at the Belle Reeve penitentiary three decades back while they were testing their experimental machine, a precursor of project P.E.A.C.E on prisoners who were on death row. One of the prime candidates among all was the notoriously famed serial killer Dmitri Ivanovich who was convicted of countless homicide and murders. As they were using unethical and inhumane practices for their experiments, they couldn't go public and find volunteers for their research thus resorting to use inmates of the penitentiary. Dr. Bosworth and her team had to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement to keep them from spilling the secretive details, a burden she carries to this day. Before his apparent death Dmitri swore vengeance upon those who were witness to the program marking each for death with Dr. Bosworth and the then chief warden Harold Munson being his priority. After the experiment went awry Dmitri was declared dead and the whole situation was swept under the rug. She also ruminates that during her time at Belle Reeve Dmitri used to taunt her multiple times which has haunted her ever since and it's the same voice that she heard back at the research facility emanating from the suit. She comes to the conclusion that somehow Dmitri's consciousness had survived all these years and has now returned from beyond the Void to exact his vengeance. Soon the news of an unidentified mechanical monstrosity terrorising various towns and its people is circulated in the media which confirms Dr. Bosworth's fears with the highlighted news of Dr. Jonathan Grohl. Although the name unfamiliar Dr. Bosworth recognizes the man to be one of her ex-teammates from the experiment all the decades back. She also shares that Alex's headache is actually the side effect of him developing psychic abilities at a young age which also explains his heightened intelligence at such a young age. She further divulges that the more he tried to supress his abilities the stronger his headaches got and was able to hear Brad's thoughts which fed him the location of the safe house. Alex mesmerized by the revelations tries to come to terms with it all the while curiously wondering as to how Dr. Bosworth is privy to such details of his life, when pressed on more information she keeps mum. As they all watch helplessly the suit now possessed by Dmitri's consciousness tears through cities with uncontrollable raging violence as several federal authorities tries their best to mitigate the chaos.

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