Endgame At Belle Reeve

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As Dr. Bosworth and Alex reach Belle Reeve their worst fear comes true with Dmitri preparing to open a portal to The Void and using Drew as a human bait. As Dr. Bosworth uses herself to distract Dmitri, Alex reveals uses his telekinesis to hinder the suit's actions. Alex goads Dmitri to fight back which enrages him and successfully tricks him into opening up the portal to the Void draining immense power while Alex tries to rescue Drew. This results in the suit being overloaded beyond its threshold value as predicted by Dr. Bosworth and its secondary functions shuts down but the connection to The Void and the suit has become self-sustaining. With no other options left Alex reveals his secret weapon – a psychic field dampener to thwart the suits primary functions and tries to drain off some psychic energy to weaken it, but Dr. Bosworth intervenes herself. The resulting catastrophe severs the connection between the suit and the Void while simultaneously affecting Alex with an excruciating pain. Gravely injured and knowing full well what fate awaits her she confesses in her dying breath that Alex is her son. All those years back while she was bearing Alex in her womb the fallout from the accident resulted in residual psychic energies which latched itself onto Alex as a foetus explaining his psychic abilities. She had intentionally left Alex at an orphanage after abandoning her civilian identity under the strict mandate from Gen. Munson and had kept a close watch on him ever since. She even tried to protect him when Munson first tried to kill Alex if he hadn't agreed to his terms. Alex and Drew bids a tear-jerking farewell to Dr. Bosworth after laying her to rest in peace.

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