Card Guide 5

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Hello Duelists! Here is another card guide, featuring Huntress, Revenants, and Grimm monsters! Let's get started!


Gear Saw Huntress - Serra
[LV: 3] [Attribute: Earth]
[ATK: 1700] [DEF: 1200]
Effect: When this card is normal summoned, you can summon a monster, with Huntress or RWBY-Soul in its name in addition to your normal summon.
When this card is special summoned, you can add one level-4 or lower Huntress or RWBY-Soul monster from your graveyard to your hand.

An expert in hand-to-hand combat, Serra is always eager to fight. Often found sparing with Jade, or Zet, she won't be satisfied with a proper victory. She can be a bit of perfectionist when it comes to her combat style, getting made over the tiniest flaws in her form. She has anger issues, getting mad at herself for making mistakes or when she thinks she isn't good enough. Luckily for her, Chi helps her mentally, training her mind. For combat, she is equipped with Chain-saw armaments on her arms and legs. This mostly developed from her interest of horror-flicks. Her fighting style consists of heavy hitting attacks, while maintaining a defensive stance at the same time, preferring to tank attacks rather than dodge. Outside of fighting, she just prefers to play any kind of sport, or watch a good horror-movie. She's considered a Horror-Movie guru.

Third Eye Huntress - Chi
[LV: 1] [Attribute: Light]
[ATK: 700] [DEF: 700]
Effect: If you're attacked directly, you special summon this card from your hand. Once per turn, this card cannot be destroyed by battle. Reduce all damage dealt involving this card to zero.
You can tribute this card; special summon one Huntress monster from your graveyard with 1500 or less defense points from your graveyard in defense mode.
If this card is used as Synchro material for a Huntress-Synchro monster, you gain life-points equal to half of that monster's attack points.

One of the calmer Huntress of the organization. Rather than focus on fighting, she prefers to heal the soul of others. Many fighters become mentally distraught after enduring many fights. Chi saw that, and sought out knowledge to help others in her own way. After gaining the wisdom and knowledge to better understand the soul of others, she began holding sessions, where many received aid. She loves admiring nature and is usually found doing community service. She prefers to stay away from combat, and focus on grab and snatch tactics on her teammates, to get them out of danger, and then heal them. She's also the best gardener of the Spirit-Huntsmen.

Mechanic Huntress - Kirin
[LV: 4] [Attribute: Earth]
[ATK: 1500] [DEF: 1500]
Effect: Once per turn, you can target one Huntress in your graveyard and special summon it with its effects negated, and it cannot attack. Send it to the graveyard at the end of the turn. Twice-per turn, you an increase or decrease this monster's level by one.

Kirin is the one person you go to when you need something fixed, or made. Fascinated by robotics, she dedicated her whole life to becoming a mechanic, eventually becoming a tech-expert. It can be a hassle though as everyone asks her to fix things. The A.C., the refrigerator, the lamps, the arena mechanisms. She has robotic helpers, but it tends to stress her out a little. Still, she loves to build or dismantle robotic tech and other crazy inventions. She even made a contraption to get her out of bed against her own free-will. She is really fond of anything mechanical and has a habit to dismantle anything that piques her interest. Aside that, she's the person you go to for upgrades and equipment augmentation. She really doesn't have any other hobbies, as she is just found cooped up in her personal garage, reading coding books and anything else tech related. That's pretty much all that happens in her head. In combat, she uses a customizable wrench, which has multiple attachments for any situation. Although, she would prefer to use gigantic robo-mech, or a gigantic gun. She prefers to go big. Can go an entire month without eating.

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