Card Guide 4

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Hello fellow duelists. Maxgundam here with another card guide! This list will contain my own OC Action Cards, Hunter HEROES, and some new Huntress monsters. Enjoy.


Scot Huntress - Stella
[LV: 3] [Attribute: Dark]
[ATK: 500] [DEF: 1800]
Flip: Excavate the top two cards of your deck. Add one of the revealed cards to your hand and shuffle the other back into your deck.
Effect: When this card is sent to the graveyard, you can special summon one Huntress monster from your hand with 2000 or less attack points.

Stella is one of the best spies on the force. She's capable of performing espionage, infiltration, extraction, stealth, and stealth takedowns. She's a silent runner, mostly due to her special shoes, meaning she can run around without being heard. She is equipped with a grappling hook, special goggles that have both thermal and night vision. She has a very small body, allowing her to squeeze into tight areas and hard to reach areas. When not sneaking around and spying on the enemy, she is usually sleeping during the day, since she mostly works at night. Other times, she'll be found eating tons of sweets, due to her big sweet tooth. She's not afraid to admit it, but she did develop an unhealthy addiction to it. She'll even take a giant chocolate cake as part of her pay check. Most of her friends tried to restrain her unhealthy eating habits, but Stella is also good at hiding her sweets. One time, Muerta found a Cupcake in one of her skeletons rib cages. Gina had a crème brulee in her hat somehow. There was also a chocolate bar hidden in the main lobby somewhere. Stella is very sweet, always trying to encourage others to do there best. She prefers to work alone on her missions, since one person draws in less attention. Stella is always a great huntress that the Hunters can count on to do something and get away with it every single time. Is currently banned from playing hide and seek.

Dread Battler Huntress - Selena
[LV: 7] [Attribute: Dark]
[ATK: 2600] [DEF: 1600]
[1 Tuner Monster + 1 or more Non-Tuner monster]
Effect: This card cannot be destroyed by card effects. When this card battles a monster with 2000 or more attack points, that monster loses 700 attack points. When this card inflicts battle damage, you can destroy one face-up spell or trap card your opponent controls.

Selena is a Dread Fighter that focuses on fighting with swift attacks. With the addition of being a Fox Faunus, her senses are more heighten, allowing her to react faster than most humans. Unlike most Hunters, Selena prefers to outwit her opponents, with her fast movements and evading attacks. She prefers to keep herself at striking distance, of her enemy, constantly trying to break her guard. After the guard has been broken, she goes all out with all her strength. While she uses a standard short katana, she brings along an endless supply of shurikens, smoke-bombs, of all different types. With her semblance, she has high resistance to spell-based attacks, due to her time helping her sister with her magic tricks. Along with spell resistance, she is immune to a variety of status aliments. Selena is a calm-natured woman who is easy to reason with, even in stressful and dangerous situations and is also dedicated to her profession. However, the only time she gets competitive and hot headed is whenever she starts butting heads with Jinoga. She often meditates during the day, to clear her mind of distractions. Other times, she'll practice sword swings. Or, she'll be a test subject for Gina's magic tricks, and she always survives. Selena is a huntress who keeps calm even in the most distressful times, looking for other alternatives to her problems. Although, some question how she can keep a straight face when looking at the face of adversity, every, single time. Doesn't mind loud noises, and not a lot of things annoy her. Only Jinoga.

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