Chapter 1: Rose's Dance

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"Hello? Is anyone in there? You know it is very rude to ignore a person that is trying to get your attention." A voice echoed out.

Anna heard a voice calling out to her. She started to regain consciousness, as her eyes begin to open up. She blinked a couple of times before sitting upright on the ground. Dazed and confused, she tried to process what was going on.

"Man, I had one of the weirdest dreams ever. It involved a meteor, and some tiny ghost girl." Anna says.

"Ahem" A female voice said.

Anna turned her head towards the direction from where she heard the voice. That's where she saw the red hooded chibi floating right in front of her. Anna was startled just a bit, but she regain her composure, and decided to approach this in a civil manner.

"Ummmm, who exactly are you?" Anna asked cautiously, not wanting to provoke the chibi.

"My name is Ruby Rose, but you can call me Ruby. But I'm still a little mad at you for fainting like that when you saw me." Ruby said as she was annoyed about that.

"Please forgive me. It's just not every day that a small girl falls out of the sky and then hits you like a meteor." Anna says.

This cause Ruby to be slightly embarrassed, knowing she was the person who cause the huge explosion, which resulted in the damage in the 10ft diameter circle.

"Oh, errrrr sorry about that. I just lost control when I came here, and I wasn't expecting to have a rough landing." Ruby said with her head tilted down with guilt.

"Don't worry about it. Everyone makes mistakes, even I do. It's just important to learn from it. So we good?" Anna says with the usual cheerful smile.

Upon seeing the smile and hearing what Anna said, Ruby started to feel better, and then she smile back at Anna.

"Thanks, not everyone is that forgiving. You know, we started off of on the wrong foot. Let's start over again." Ruby said cheerfully.

"Alright then, all is forgiven. My name is Anna Yuno, and my friend sleeping behind me is Zackery Aegis. But you can call him Zack." Anna said while pointing to Zack.

"You already know my name. So, where exactly am I anyway?" Ruby asked, looking around her surroundings.

"You are in Jewel city, my hometown. The reason why its name Jewel city is because it is famous for its mines of precious minerals. Also when it is night time here, the starts here sparkle like jewels." Anna replied as she pointed up to the sky.

Ruby in turn looked up, and was immediately amazed and awed struck of how the stars did sparkle like jewels. It filled her senses of joy and tranquility, being one of the most beautiful skies she has ever seen.

"It'!" Ruby screamed as she gazed upon the diamond like sky.

Just then, both Ruby and Anna noticed that Zack was starting to wake up. He looked like he had a headache and was scratching his head. As his senses started to come back to him, he notices Ruby hovering right next to Anna. His changes from one of confusion to one of shock and fear.

"AHHHHHHHHHH! IT'S THE BOMB GIRL!" Zack screamed, while imagining Ruby in bomb outfit (like the one Link wears in triforce heroes).

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