Chapter 51

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Within the next hour, the guys had arrived with supper. Nolan locked eyes with me as soon as he walked through the door. I blushed and looked down. Is it crazy that he still gives me butterflies? Nolan sat down our food on the side table while Dylan and Lauren sat in the chairs to start eating.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but did I see you blush?"

I looked up at Nolan and gave a little shoulder shrug.

"I can't help it. You make me happy."

He leaded in and gave me a kiss. It was slow and gentle, but full of love.

"I missed you while you were gone," I said to him, pulling away from the kiss.

With gentle force, he pulled my face back to his and whispered in my ear, "I always miss you, beautiful."

His tone and breath sent a slight shiver down my back.

"Easy, Arenado," I whispered back and ever so softly kissed his neck.

It was then his turn to turn red. He quickly pulled away and adjusted himself.

I gave a little smirk as I knew that I had made a little disruption. He then stood up, and grabbed our food, handling it to me. He sat on the couch beside me and we dug in.

"So Dyl, how was practice," I asked?

"Coach was on us hard today. It sucked."

He just looked defeated, and I couldn't blame him. Between being on a losing streak with the team, helping take care of me, and no Lauren time, it can be a lot. My heart hurt for him because Nolan was probably feeling the same way and it was partially my fault. Feeling sadden, I slowed down my eating and started pushing the food on my plate around with the fork. Dylan and Lauren were talking, but of course Nolan caught on. He sat his food down and came to sit beside me in bed.

"What is on your mind, baby?"

I was feeling emotional and did not want to cause a scene, so I wiped my eyes and spoke quietly.

"Are you feeling overwhelmed too? Am I causing too much stress on you and your career?"

I then let another single tear roll down my cheek. Nolan didn't speak right away. Instead, he got as close as he could, wrapped his arm around me, and pulled me into him. I closed my eyes and laid my head on his chest. All the worse thoughts filled my head. I was too much, I am no longer good enough for him. I need attention, and that makes me a distraction. Nolan deserves so much better, someone else. He is probably fixing to break up with me and tell me I need to figure things out on my own. I am a burden. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the hospital door open and close. I was so emotional I didn't even bother to look up. I continued to let my tears flow and wet Nolan's shirt. It felt like an eternity before Nolan grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back, so we would be face to face. I couldn't stand to look at him at that moment. I had let him down and disappointed him. I kept my eyes closed as Nolan sat in front of me and grabbed my hands.

"Look at me, it's just us now."

The door must have been Dylan and Lauren leaving. Fuck, I ruined the rest of the night. Now I will have to apologize for that. I calmed my breathing and looked up at Nolan. He gave a little smile, and used his thumb to wipe the tears off my cheek.

"You do not overwhelm me one bit, and you make my career 100x better. Of course there are days that are more stressful than others, but that has nothing to do with you. You make dealing with the hard days, good. What Dylan was saying had nothing to do with you or with Lauren, it's just the team, baby. It happens."

Catch Me While I Fall - Nolan ArenadoWhere stories live. Discover now