Chapter 5

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The drive to Dylan's really wasn't that bad. It took about an hour, but it gave us plenty of time to catch up. We talked about the Cardinals, how work was going for me, how I have been since dad passed away, and just things I wanted to do while I was back in town. Somehow during all that, Dylan convinced me to come to all the home games.

"Hear me out," he said. "The games are a few hours long, and you get to watch me and the guys play. It wont even take up the whole day."

"You really are stubborn, but as long as I get a good seat you can count me in. Plus you know I have a thing for guys in tight pants," I laughed and winked.

 Dylan just rolled his eyes at me and turned the music up. With the window down, I put my arm out the window and enjoyed the rest of the ride.

Not too much longer and we pulled up to a beautiful 3 story house with a fenced in back yard and wrap around porch. "Dylan this is nice. You did good!"

Dylan smiled and replied, "I might have had help from my mom. She said I would probably need the space for visitors and I guess she was right."

I started to grab my bags out of the car, but before I could grab the biggest one, Dylan came to help. What a gentleman.

All of a sudden, a wave of nervousness washed over me. I guess it had finally hit that 1) I was back home for the first time in a year and 2) I was able to meet a bunch of famous baseball players. It was hard to wrap my head around, because to me Dylan was just Dylan, not some famous person. But my nerves were calmed when Dylan came beside me, gave me a quick hug, and insured me that everything was going to be ok. With that in mind, I smiled and walked up to the door.

Before I could open the door, a very cute, curly blonde haired guy opened the door. "Hey, you must be Kenzie. I'm Harrison, but everyone calls me Bader."

"Hey Harrison, nice to meet you!" I replied

Without question, Harrison helped grab my bags and take them up to the third floor to the guest bedroom. Dylan and I followed him up to the room.

"Kenz, I hope this is okay. You are separated from the noise and chaos, so you can still have your personal time," Dylan said.

"Thank you, Dyl. You really thought of everything."

I smiled and took in the view. The room was massive and set up so simple, yet beautiful. The walls were plain white with a gray hardwood accent wall. The bed was a solid while with a cream/nude color comforter accompanied by a light blue blanket. On the right side of the bed was a matching night stand with my favorite snacks on top. Oh, this boy really gets me. To the left of the bed were double doors leading to a balcony overlooking a pool. I could not think of a better way to spend my week, I was so excited!

"Thank you again for everything, Dylan. I am so happy mom reached out to you."

"You don't have to thank me. I told you I would do anything for you," Dylan replied.

I smiled and plopped down on the bed.

Harrison then chimed in, "Okay, this is great and all, but Nolan just called and said he would be here soon. And he's bringing the food, so that's one less thing to worry about."

"Sounds good," Dylan said. "Kenz are you hungry?"

I was starving, but my thoughts went right to what Harrison said. Nolan was coming over. I have had the biggest crush on him since he joined the team. I could not let him see me like this, but I also did not want Harrison or Dylan to know I liked Nolan, so I played it cool.

"Yeah, I am a little hungry, but I really want to wash off since I've been traveling. You guys go on down and get started. I'll come down when I finish up."

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