Chapter 33

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Lauren and I made our way to our seats and made small talk before they opened the gates and people started to flood in. I decided to run to the restroom before the game started, so I got up and made my way there. There were lots and lots of people already there, and it was getting crowded and hard to maneuver around. It took longer than I expected, but I eventually made it. As soon as I got inside, my phone went off.

Nol: Are you ok? I don't see you

Me: Restroom

Nol: Be careful, I love you

Me: I love you handsome

I loved that Nolan was so protective of me and really cared about my well-being. I finished up my business and started on my way back to my seat when I looked up and saw someone I hoped to never see again, Santana.

As quickly as I could, I made my way back to my seat. I guess Lauren could see what was wrong because she looked at me with worry in her eyes.

"Kenzie, is everything ok?"

"I saw Nolan's ex-girlfriend. She has not been the nicest, and I just didn't want to run into her again."

"Where is she? Do you want me to bet her ass," Lauren asked?

I slightly laughed and responded, "No, but thank you. I just want to stay as far away from her as possible."

Lauren agreed and gave me time to relax. I don't know why I let that bitch get under my skin. It was obvious that Nolan was over her, I mean he was dating me, but I guess I still saw her as a threat. Whatever, it will be fine. I blew it off and turned my attention back to the game.

Carlson was up to bat. The first pitch thrown was a strike, and Dylan killed it. It went flying into right filed; a home run. Everyone stood up to cheer him on as he rounded the bases with fireworks going off. Goldie was next, hitting a ground ball to left filed, making it to first. Nolan was next. Nolan walked up to the plate and took stance. He was so focused on the game, I loved watching him. The first pitch was a ball. "Good eye, Nol," I thought. Nolan's next pitch was taken for a strike, but he missed. "It's ok, he's got this," I whisper to myself again. The third pitch was another ball. It was obvious that Nolan was getting frustrated, but he never lost focus. Finally, Nolan got a pitch right down the middle. He swung hard, sending the ball over the wall in center field. Once again, the crowd went crazy! Goldie and Nolan both scored. On his way into the dugout, Nolan stopped and smiled at me. I was a little taken back because he is normally so focused that he forgets that I am there, but I guess he was hyped about his homer. I smiled and gave a thumbs up. I really love this man. The game went on, Cardinals scoring 5 more times, and the opposing team only 2. We had won!

Lauren and I high-fived as we watch the guys celebrate on the field.

"What a great way to end a home series," I commented.

"I agree. They did so good," Lauren replied.

As the guys finished up on the field, Lauren and I started to get our things together.

"Well, well, well, look what the cat drug in."

I turned around to see Santana standing there.

"What do you want," Lauren asked?

"No one was talking to you, sweetheart," Santana snapped back.

"Hell no, we aren't doing this. What do you want," I asked?

"Just wondering why you are using Nolan for his money? You are so trashy. You have no job and rely solely on Nolan. How disgusting."

Before I could even reply, Lauren punched her right in the nose.

Catch Me While I Fall - Nolan ArenadoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon