Chapter 19

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As I drove to Verizon, I played my favorite Pandora station and enjoyed my time alone. 

Before I knew it, I was there. I pulled into a parking spot right up front, got out of the car, and walked inside.

I was greeted by a very friendly sales representative who assisted me in picking out the phone I wanted and all the accessories. It only took about an hour to get everything up and running and then it was time to pay.

"Can I pay cash, please," I asked?

The sales associate looked at me confused.

"Ma'am, your bill has already been taken care of," he said.

"Taken care of? By whom," I asked confused.

I swear if Nolan did this, I will murder him.

"A 'Mr. Carlson,' ma'am."

Dylan. I should have known, He is so stubborn.

I thanked the associate for assisting me and walked out back to the car. When I got inside, I sent a quick text to Nolan to let him know I had my phone and I was headed to pick up a smoothie before headed his way. I received a reply quickly.

Nolan: Glad you got your phone. Be careful on your way.

Me: Always.

I put my phone down, and drove to Tropical Smoothie.

As I approached Tropical Smoothie, I saw their drive-thur was closed, so I had to run inside. Of course, there was a long line; I had about 6 people in front of me. As I stood in line waiting to order, someone behind me started talking, "Are you an Arenado fan?"

I turned around and saw a lady, roughly my age and, admiring my Nolan sweatshirt. I smiled and replied, "I guess you could say that."

She continued conversation, "Oh that's crazy, so am I!"

"Oh, that's cool," I commented, not wanting to go further into detail.

She just continued on, "Are you going to the game tonight?"

Kindly, I responded, "I sure am. Are you?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," she beamed.

"Do you have seats, yet," I asked?

"Yeah, girl! I am sitting right behind the dugout. I like to be near the players," she laughed. "How about you?"

"That's great," I said. "I am sitting beside the dugout, so we will be close."

At this point, it was almost my turn to order, so I wrapped up the conversation.

"It was nice to meet you, and I hope to catch you at the field," I said.

"You too," she said.

As I got up to the counter, I ordered a smoothie for me, Dylan and Nolan. I didn't know if they wanted one, but better safe than sorry.

I paid for everything, and walked back out to the car.

I loaded everything up, put some music on, and made my way to the baseball field.

Before I knew it, I was at the field and I could see the guys out there running. I smiled, knowing I'd get to see Nolan in just a second. Quickly, I grabbed my new phone and the smoothies and made my way over. Walking over, Bader must have seen me because he started shouting, 


I was slightly embarrassed, but it made me laugh. I tried my best to wave, but it was difficult with a semi injured hand, and smoothies. As soon as I made it to the seats, Nolan saw me and came running over.

"Hey sweet girl, I missed you," he said leading over to kiss me.

At this point, all the guys had caught on to mine and Nolan's relationship, so it was no secret.

I kissed Nolan back and said, "I missed you, handsome. Here, I got you and Dylan a smoothie. Where is he?"

Nolan grabbed his smoothie, turned, and waved Dylan over.

While I did have a smoothie for him, I also had a few choices of words. Dylan slowly came running over to us. I smiled, handing him his smoothie, and then slapped him on the head.

"What the hell was that for," he asked, confused?

"For paying for my new phone, you ass."

Dyl laughed, but didn't apologize.

"You needed it, and I wanted to help. I pulled some strings, and boom."

"Well, thank you. I appreciate it."

Nolan and Dylan both needed to get back to practice, so I hugged them both, and they ran back to the field.

I sat down, pulled out my phone and started to get it up how I wanted it, Nolan had sent me the pictures we took earlier, so I set one of the smiling ones as my home screen, and the mirror one with Nolan looking down at me as my lock screen. I smiled looking at it; he made me so happy. I decided to text mom and let her know I had a new phone.

Me: "Hey mom, just wanted to let you know I got my new phone

Mom: Hey baby girl, I am glad you got a new one

Me: Dylan paid for it without me knowing. He is so stubborn

Mom: He is taking care of you, I appreciate that

Me: Everyone here is. Especially Nolan.

Mom: Have you asked Dylan about staying longer? You were only supposed to be there 3 more days.

Me: Ugh, not yet. I will mention it to Dylan tonight and so on from there

Mom: Sounds like a plan. Keep me updated and know I am proud of you

Me: Love you mom

Mom: Love you, my favorite girl

Me: *sends picture of Nolan and me face to face, smiling*

Mom: Lovebirds, so cute together

I smiled at mom's text and started to mentally prepare to talk to Dylan tonight. I knew he wouldn't have a problem with it, but he would know better than I would how Nolan might feel. I don't want Nolan to think I am moving to fast or trying to invade his space. Maybe I am overthinking it, but oh well. I put my phone away, and watched the guys finish up practice while I sipped on my smoothie.

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