Chapter 27

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"Nolan, what is going on?"

"You just look so beautiful, and I want to take a picture."

I let out the air I did not realize I was holding in. Thank goodness, nothing was wrong.

Nolan grabbed my hand and stepped back to take the picture.

After we got in the truck, Nolan turned his phone to show me the picture he had taken.

"Look, it's the most beautiful girl in the world. This will be my new lock screen."

I smiled up to Nolan and leaned over to kiss him. He gladly accepted, and then drove us back to Dylan's house.

When we arrived, Dylan was there.

"I wonder why he is home," I said to Nolan.

He just shrugged, got out of the truck, and walked around to open my door for me.

As we walked inside, we were greeted by not 1, but 2 faces.

"Kenzie, you're back! There is someone I want you to meet," Dylan said, grabbing my arm.

I looked over at Nolan like, "WTF, we were supposed to have the house to ourselves" and he just shrugged his shoulders again.

"Kenzie, this is my girlfriend, Lauren. Lauren, this is my ex-girlfriend and best friend, Kenzie."

Lauren looked super confused, but I laughed and went to hug her.

"Very nice to meet you. And Dylan can be stupid, so don't listen to him," I said. "You probably recognize him, but this is my boyfriend, Nolan."

Dylan's mouth dropped as Nolan walked over beside me to shake Lauren's hand.

"Girlfriend? Did I hear you correctly? Girlfriend," Dylan asked, confused.

Nolan pulled me to his side and kissed my cheek.

"Girlfriend," he replied happily.

"It's about fucking time," Dylan screamed, running to give Nolan a bro hug. I jumped out of the way, so I wouldn't get hurt.

"Man, I thought you would never ask her, this is great!"

We all just laughed. Dylan and Nolan talked for a bit while I talked to Lauren. Eventually, I decided I was ready to be alone with Nolan, so I spoke up.

"So, Dyl, what are you both doing here? I thought you weren't going to be gone tonight?"

Yeah, that might have sounded a little obvious. Oh, well.

"Oh yeah, we decided to crash here instead," he said like it was no big deal.

I looked at Nolan with puppy eyes, and he spoke up.

"Sounds good man. Kenzie, let's go upstairs for a minute."

Nolan grabbed my hand, and we walked upstairs to his temporary room. He closed the door and looked at me.

"I'm sorry, Nol. I thought we were going to have tonight together alone."

"Pretty girl, you don't have to apologize. I have an idea."

I looked up at Nolan, hopeful.

"Santana has moved out. I can go back to my house. If you would like, you can come with me and stay there."

I actually had to think about it. I felt comfortable at Dylan's house; it is what I am familiar with. But, I know Nolan would take care of me, and I'm sure his place isn't that bad. But then again, Santana had been there, and I think I would feel weird. Nolan caught on to me going over all these things in my head.

"If you don't want to, I understand. Either we can stay here, or I can go home. It is completely up to you."

"I really don't want to be away from you, Nol. But I think it might feel weird sharing the same place you did with Santana."

Nolan understood and nodded his head.

"I understand, Kenz. But do you believe me when I say I want you there? I want you to see my place and I want to get to have experiences with you there. I promise to make you feel comfortable."

I just looked at him, and kissed him.

"I would love to come with you and see your place. Can I grab a few things before we go?"

"Of course you can, baby. Grab enough things for a few days if you would like."

I nodded in agreement and went to my room to pack while Nolan went to tell Dylan we were leaving. I had my things packed in no time and ran downstairs. I ran to Dylan and gave him a hug.

"Be good and text me if you need me," he whispered in my ear.

"I promise I will," I whispered back.

Nolan walked over to where we were standing, grabbed my hand, and we walked out to the truck, and headed to his place.

"Thank you for agreeing to this. I am excited to show you my place," Nolan said.

"Nol, I would do anything for you."

We smiled at each other, and before I knew it, we were pulling into Nolan's driveway. Nolan's house was very modern looking. It was sleek, while and black, and yet simple. Like something out of a magazine.

"Nolan, this is really nice," I commented.

"Wait until you see the inside," he said excitingly.

We walked to the doors and Nolan inserted the key and the door opened. As we walked inside, I looked around. It was more homey that I figured it would be. While it was very classy looking, Nolan had pictures of his family around and little sentimental things as well. Nolan smiled and gave me a tour. It was only 2 stories, but very spacious. There was even a pool inside.

"I am blown away, this is beautiful," I said.

"Wait until you see the best part," Nolan said, dragging me past the kitchen, past the living room, and into his room.

I thought he was going to be funny and show me the bed, or even the shower, but oh this sweet boy blew my mind. He took me into the bathroom, and stood behind me.

"Look there," he said, pointing to the picture I took of us at Dylan's.

It was the same picture I had set as my lock screen. He had a picture of us printed out and tapped to his bathroom mirror.

I turned around and hugged him tight.

"What did I do to deserve you, Nolan James?"

"By just being you," he said, and kissed the tip of my nose.

"So I am assuming you will want to stay in my room with me, but I have a spare room in case you would prefer that."

"I would love to stay in here with you, handsome."

We weren't very shy in front of each other anymore, so we changed out of our fancy date clothes, and into comfy clothes. Nolan had on his boxers, and I went through his drawers and grabbed one of his t-shirts. As we laid in Nolan's bed, I turned to look at him.

"Thank you again for the most perfect date, boyfriend."

"Anything for you, pretty girl."

It was late, but I had forgotten to ask what plans there were tomorrow.

"Nol, what do you have to do tomorrow," I asked?

He thought about it and responded, "We have practice at 7am and then a game at 7pm. I think coach said something about interviews between practice and the game, so it is going to be pretty busy. You are more than welcome to watch practice and the game if you want."

"I will definitely be at the game to cheer you on, but I think I will skip out on practice. I need to start apartment hunting and then book a flight to travel back to South Carolina to see my mom and get my things."

"Sounds good, baby. You can use my computer if you want. It might make it easier."

I agreed and snuggled up to Nolan. He cut on the TV to Grey's Anatomy, and soon enough we were fast to sleep.

Catch Me While I Fall - Nolan ArenadoWhere stories live. Discover now