Chapter 6

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"Is Nolan ok?" I asked Dylan.

"Oh yeah, it is probably just the same oh Santana issue."

"Santana issue?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's his girlfriend. If it's not one thing with her, it's the next. Honestly, it's toxic, and I wish he would drop her." Tyler stated.

I gave a condolence look and honestly felt sad. I was bummed that Nolan had a girlfriend and I was sad she was causing him pain. But I was also relieved that he was having issues because I cannot explain the fire I feel about him. While the guys continued to talk, I took up all the dirty dishes and went into the house to wash them. Upon entering, I could hear part of Nolan's conversation. From what I could gather, she was pissed because while he was hanging out with the guys, there was another girl here that wasn't her. She wanted him to leave and come home right away, but he actually told her no! I heard Nolan Arenado tell his girlfriend he was tired of her shit, tired of her trying to control him, and he just needed to be done. I wasn't trying to ease drop, but I also was not trying to not listen either. I guess I gave my presence in the house away because I dropped a glass plate on the hardwood, causing it to shattered into 1000 tiny pieces. Nolan's eyes met mine, and he quickly hung up the phone. Out of sheer embarrassment, I dropped to the floor and tried to pick up the pieces, and to no surprise, I cut my hand open. Before I could react, Nolan was at my side, grabbing paper towels to try and stop the bleeding. I broke down, and I cried. The pain was so bad, and I was so embarrassed.

"Hey, look at me and listen," Nolan said.

I looked at him with tears in my eyes, and a beat red face.

"I am going to put pressure on your hand to stop the bleeding. You need to carefully stand up and sit on the counter, so you don't cut yourself on any more glass. I am going to let Dylan and the guys know what happened, but you do not need to move."

I felt an automatic comfort having Nolan telling me what to do. Still crying, I shook my head ok and jumped up on the counter.

"I am going to tell the guys what happened, but please stop crying. You are too beautiful for that," Nolan stated. And with that he ran outside.

Another mini disaster, just my luck. And in front of Nolan; I cannot believe that.It felt like a lifetime, but soon after, 3 very wet guys and Nolan came running inside to comfort me. Dylan, Tyler, and Bader did not hear the plate drop because they were in the pool. Thank goodness Nolan was there to help.

"Dyl, I am so sorry. It slipped, and I tried to clean it up, and I made a huge mess." I started.

Before I could continue, Dylan interrupted, "don't you apologize at all. Things happen, I am just glad it was not worse."

I started crying more because he was being so nice about it.

Nolan then spoke up, "I looked at her hand, and she really needs to be seen now. You guys are wet, so I'll take her and keep all of you updated."

Dylan nodded and him and the guys started to clean up while Nolan helped me down. I grabbed my hand to keep it from bleeding and started walking to the door. Nolan grabbed his keys from the basket and opened the door. On the way out, Dylan hugged me, and told me to keep him updated. If I'm not mistaking, I think Dylan threatened Nolan, but I was too consumed with the pain I couldn't pay it much attention. Nolan and I walked to the passenger side of the truck, he opened the door for me and helped me in. Quickly, he ran around to the other side and started the truck.

"I am sorry this is happening. I was just trying to wash dishes, I wasn't listening to your call. I am so clumsy," I apologized.

Nolan laughed and started driving.

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