Chapter 46

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As the day went on, my leg really started to hurt. The nurses gave me pain medicine, but it didn't seem to do the job.

"What can we get for you, bug," mom asked?

"I really don't know, mom. I hurt and I could just cry."

I hated that Nolan had to see me like this, but I couldn't help it. The pain of everything was finally hitting, and it was too much. I looked over to Nolan, who looked helpless. I started to cry.

"I am sorry you have to see me like this. It's fine, just leave."

Nolan didn't say a word, he walked over to the bed, moved me over, and laid beside me. He wrapped his arms around me and ran his hand over my head. I laid on his chest and cried. After about 10 minutes, he spoke up.

"I am not going anywhere. I will get you anything you need and help you anyway I can."

I just looked up at him, smiled, and laid my head back down. Nolan continued to soothe me until the tears had stopped, and the pain let up.

"Would you guys like anything to eat," mom offered?

Nolan looked at me and waited for a response.

"Yes, please. Can you get us food?"

Mom agreed, walking out of the room, and leaving just Nolan and me.

"Are you ok, baby?"

I sat up so that I could look at Nolan.

"I hurt, and I am scared about my scan tomorrow. What if it is bad?"

Nolan looked at me sad, and responded, "This is why I don't want to go to the game tomorrow. I need to be here for you. You need me."

"No, Nol, it's ok. Mom will be here, I am just worried."

"I promise you everything will be ok. I am here for you, beautiful. I will never leave you."

Hearing Nolan's comforting words really made me feel better. I could feel the sincerity in his voice.

"I love you, Nol. Always will."

"I love you, sweet girl. Forever and always. But I do have to admit one thing. We might need to get you in the shower, you're so stinky!"

We both laughed because I knew he was trying to lighten the mood.

"Wow, just what I wanted to hear, thank you for that."

"Just being honest. I've got your back," Nolan said.

"You literally will need to have my back. Will you help me shower?"

"Of course, get's let you up and ready."

Nolan got out of the bed, and then helped me up. I was able to stand on one leg and balance while he got my shower things ready. Nolan assisted me to the bathroom, letting me sit on the closed toilet lid while he got the water ready.

"Ok, you need to get undressed now. Do you need help?"

"I think I've got it since it's just a gown."

He nodded in agreement, but stayed right by my side the whole time.

"Nolan, your clothes are going to be soaked."

"I have extra for me in that bag too, so it will be ok."

Nolan then got me in the shower and seated on the corner seat. Being the gentleman he is, Nolan put the plastic covering over my cast to avoid it getting wet. He stood on the outside, letting me get comfortable. He then helped me stand up and get my hair wet. I used one hand to wash my hair and the other to balance on Nolan. I guess Nolan saw my discomfort as he decided to climb in. I had my back to the water, so he came and stood in front of me. Nolan grabbed my waist, letting me balance better, and use both hands to wash up.

Catch Me While I Fall - Nolan ArenadoWhere stories live. Discover now