Chapter 22

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After two hours of being locked in my room, I went to the door and there was a note that had been slid under. It was from Dylan.

"We had to go to the filed. Please call me."

I decided instead of calling, I would go to the field to say my goodbye. I called an Uber, loaded up my bags and headed to the game.

After I was dropped off, I found Dylan car and sat my bag down before going into the stadium. I felt so nervous; I did not want Nolan to see me. I needed to see Dylan, and just Dylan. As I made my way through the stadium, trying to be discrete since the guys were already on the field warming up. Luckily for me, Dylan saw me and came running over.

"Dyl, I can't stay long. I don't want Nolan to see me. I wanted to tell you bye. I am going back home. I can't be here anymore."

"Kenzie, listen to me. You can't leave. Please, I want you to stay. We just talked about you staying."

"Dylan I can't. He hurt me. He kisses his ex that everyone was certain he was over. I don't deserve that, Dyl. I thought we had something, but I guess I was wrong."

"I promise you, we can fix this. I need time. Please stay."

I started crying and then it happened. Nolan saw me. He came running over.

"Dylan, give me your keys now; hurry. I'll stay for now, but you keep him away from me."

Right before Nolan could get over there, Dylan had given me his keys.

As I turned around to leave, I could hear Nolan calling my name.

"Kenzie," he shouted!

I put my head down and continued to walk out. I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention because I ran right into someone. "Fuck," I thought. I quickly got up to apologize, and to my surprise, it was the same girl from the smoothie place.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry," I said.

"It's Arenado, girl! You don't have to apologize, things happen. Are you ok," she asked?

"I am fine, I just need to watch where I'm going," I joked.

We both laughed, and she said, "Are you staying to watch the game?"

"I am, I just have to put something in the car," I said.

"Awesome," she replied. "We will catch you inside."

I nodded my head and walked back outside to Dylan's car. I loaded my bags up and as I started to go back into the stadium, I changed my mind. I was not giving Nolan the satisfaction of seeing me there. I could go back in and look a fool or stay out here in the car. I opted for the second option. I pulled out my phone and sent Dylan a quick text.

Me: I'm still here. Staying in the car to watch the game. I don't want Nolan to know I'm here.

Dyl: Understood. Lock the doors.

I pulled up the game on my phone and started to watch. Dylan was up to bat and ended up hitting a home run. He was doing so good! Next was Nolan. You could see on his face that something wasn't right, and only Dylan and I knew what that thing was. His first two pitches were strikes that he just stood there and looked at. The third pitch was a ball that he swung at and missed, striking out. He continued like that. Everyone else was preforming at their max and Nolan at his worse. The game ended, Cardinals somehow winning 4-3. I was glad they won, but now I had to face Nolan. I figured the easiest way was in the stadium around other people, so neither one of us would do or say anything stupid. I managed up the nerve, got out of the car, and headed into the stadium. I walked in, keeping my face down. As I was approaching the dugout section, I looked up and was at a loss for words. Nolan was standing there talking to smoothie girl. "What the fuck," I thought. I hadn't spoken to him for a few hours, and he moved on? She was getting closer to him, smiling and trying to rub his arm. Nolan still looked pissed, and to my surprise, he pushed her arm off. I stayed where I was, waiting and watching. "Why was smoothie girl staying and flirting with Nolan," I asked myself. My thoughts were answered for me when I heard Nolan raise his voice. "Santana, I have told you to fuck off. Leave me and everyone in my life alone. What you did earlier was not ok, and it cost me more than you know. Get out of my house. I don't care where you go, leave and give me the key, NOW!"

I had no words. The girl I met earlier today was Nolan's ex-girlfriend. And by the sound of it, the kiss between them earlier today was not what I thought. I made myself come into view and right away Nolan saw me.

He jumped over the side of the dugout, ran to me, and wrapped me in his arms.

"I thought you left," he whispered.

I hugged him back, burying my head in his chest.

"I had my bags packed, I was going to," I admitted.

He let go of me and looked me in the eyes.

"I can explain everything," he said.

"I know. I heard you," I replied.

Santana piped in, turning Nolan's head.

"You," she asked me?

Nolan turned back to me confused.

"When I went to get smoothies earlier, she was in line behind me. We started taking because she asked me about your sweatshirt."

"Wow, Nolan, you really downgraded," she spit.

My eyes started to tear up at her low comment. Nolan pushed me behind him and started talking.

"Don't you ever speak about her like that. You have no idea what you are talking about. She is more than you ever were to me, and more than you ever would have been."

Santana replied, "Ha. You wish. I'll be by to get my things. Have fun with your new bitch." And she walked away laughing. Nolan turned around, wrapping me in his arms once again.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I am so sorry."

I just squeezed him and cried. Nolan held me for a couple of minutes, letting me calm down. Eventually, I stopped and looked up and him.

"Kenz, I can't apologize to you enough. You know I never intended to hurt you. She came onto me, I didn't want her to."

I stopped Nolan by crashing my lips into his. It was a long, passionate kiss. A kiss that let him know it was ok, I forgave him, and I wasn't going anywhere. Nolan picked me up, placing his hands under my ass, kissing me harder. I put my hand on his head and ran it through his hair. After a few minutes, Nolan sat me down and looked me in the eyes.

"You were going to leave," he asked?

I was disappointed in myself, but I admitted it. "I was. I was so hurt. I had fallen for you, and I thought you felt the same. I just didn't know what else to do."

"I don't want to lose you sooner than I have to. I would never do anything intentional to hurt you, beautiful."

"I am sorry I acted the way I did," I apologized to him.

"Don't ever be sorry for loving so much," he said, and then quickly took his words back. "I mean, like, you don't have to apologize. I was in the wrong, not you."

He looked down and rubbed the back of his head. I didn't know if he was admitting that he loved me or asking if I loved him, but I blew it off and replied, "Let's go find, Dylan."

Catch Me While I Fall - Nolan ArenadoWhere stories live. Discover now