Chapter 50

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Once again, I barely got any sleep. The nurses constantly came in and out to check on me. I appreciated it, but I also really wanted to sleep. Oh well. Last time I looked at the clock, it was 5:15am. Nolan has moved from the bed to the couch to give me plenty of room on the bed. I looked over at him, and he was sound asleep. I decided to let him be and just watch some TV. Honestly, I was surprised the sound of the nurses did not wake him, but I was thankful for that. He had done so much for me recently, and I couldn't be more grateful. I smiled thinking about how much I loved him. I leaned over to grab the remote to the TV, and quietly turned on some early morning cartoons. There was not much to choose from, so I decided to play on my phone as well. I haven't been online much since the accident, so it was nice to be back to normal. I scrolled through Facebook for a bit, Instagram, and then Twitter. I was surprised because there were actually get well soon post for me. Getting bored with social media, I decided to text Dylan. I doubt he would be up, but I gave it a shot.

Me: I miss you, Dyl

Dylan: I miss you Kenz. Why are you up so early

Me: I should ask you the same thing

Dylan: I was hungry lol

Me: typical. these nurses won't stay out of my room

Dylan: Want me to come up there? I have snacks

Me: Can you?

Dylan: I'm on the way

I smiled at his response. Dylan was my best friend and I knew he would do anything for me. I waited about 30 minutes before a nurse walked into my room.

"Ma'am, you have a visitor, can he come in?"

"Yes, please."

She opened the door and in walked Dylan holding a bag full of food. He came in quietly and sat on the bed with me.

"I didn't know what to bring, so I brought it all."

I smiled and gave him a little side hug, " appreciate you, friend."

Dylan got comfy beside me and put the bag of snacks on the bed. He grabbed the Oreos and I grabbed the chewy chips ahoy. We kept each other company as we watched TV and waited on Nolan to wake up. I did not realize it, but I opened my eyes to sunlight. I was leaning on Dylan, who was passed out as well. I carefully sat up and wiped the crumbs on the sheets.

"Looks you had a snack party without me."

I looked over to see Nolan staring at me.

I giggled a little, and he got up and walked over to me. Nolan leaned down and kissed my cheek.

"I text Dylan. I was lonely and you needed sleep."

"You never have to apologize to me. I am glad to see you got food and some sleep."

"How did you sleep," I asked Nolan.

"Not super comfy, but it did the job."

"I am glad then."

"Any big plans today," I asked him?

"We have practice at 11am, but I don't have to go. Coach is letting me do whatever is needed."

"Mom is leaving today, but I don't mind being alone for a bit. Actually, I might ask Lauren to come here if she can."

"I will do anything you want, beautiful."

Catch Me While I Fall - Nolan ArenadoWhere stories live. Discover now