Chapter 47

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I woke to the sound of the sink running in the bathroom. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. The bathroom door was cracked, and I could see Nolan brushing his teeth. I laid there and watched, taking him in as much as I could. I was so in love with the man that everything he did I was obsessed with. He finished, washed off his face, and then tuned around and caught a glimpse of me. I saw him smile, and he started walking my way.

"Good Morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?"

"Hi handsome, I slept, so that's something."

He leaned down to kiss me and I gladly returned the favor.

"Mhm, you smell good," I commented.

"Thank you, I put new clothes on," he laughed.

I giggled at him and continued to watch as he got ready. Lost in a daze, I missed mom walking through the door.

"Hello, earth to Kenzie," she said.

"Oh sorry mom, I was distracted," I admitted.

"I see that," her and Nolan both laughed.

"How was the rest of the night," she asked?

"It was good," Nolan responded. "Just not ready to leave my girl."

"I will take good care of her for you, you have my word."

Mom's word made Nolan relax. He was already to go, and walked over to the bed.

"Remember, anything at all, you call me."

"Get out of here, I love you and good luck!"

"I love you my girl."

Nolan give me a hug and kissed me. I gave a little wave as I watched him walk out the door. As soon as the door closed, I started crying. Mom ran over to the bed, and hugged me.

"It's ok, baby doll. He will be back soon."

I looked up at mom and shook my head no.

"What do you mean no," she asked, confused?

"It's not Nolan, mom. It's my head."

She looked at my with dead eyes as I tried to compose myself. I grabbed her hand and brought it up to my head. She started rubbing the bump that had all so suddenly appeared.

"I felt it when I was washing my hair. I knew if I told Nolan, he would freak."

Mom looked concerned and just held my hand.

"But you don't have headaches, right?"

I nodded no once again.

"The headache hasn't gone away. I am just trying to push through the pain."

"Oh, my sweet Kenzie," mom said.

She pulled me into a hug and whispered, "We will talk to the doctor today. No need to worry or overreact before we get some answers."

I just shook my head and cried into mom.

She held me for what felt like forever when my phone went off. It was a text from Nolan.

Nolan: *picture of team with sign saying: Get Well Soon!*

Me: Tell them I said thank you!

I smiled and showed mom.

"See baby, we are all here to support you. Everything will be ok."

I knew mom was trying to make me feel better, but I was so nervous. What if it wasn't ok? I told Nolan I was worried, but I didn't fully explain why. I knew everyone would support me, but still. I wanted to make sure Nolan knew what he meant to me.

Catch Me While I Fall - Nolan ArenadoWhere stories live. Discover now