And tomorrow came really fast.

„Y-you don't have to come with me." Little mumbles while Hobi opens the passenger door for him.

„Why not? I'm sure you could need some company and help." Hobi responds before getting into the car,„More over I like spending time with you."

Little presses his lips together, Hobi's words are once again so kind, it makes Little's heart beat faster.

„D-don't you have something more important to do?"

„No, now stop arguing with me I'm coming with you, if you want me to or not!"

With that they drive to the location Yoongs told them. Little's cousin and Jimin left early this morning, to drive back and forth as many times as possible since Yoongs can rent the truck only for today. So they decided to drive the all cars to Yoongs shop and then little by little bring them to Joon's repair shop.

Arriving at the location, Hobi parks the car right next to the small building. It's actually a big area similar to a parking lot, with a small building on it.
The place is big enough for all the cars to fit on and even more. The building will be for Yoongs to have talks with the customer and sign contracts and so on.
Before Yoongi and Jimin left, the cousin described Little how he imagined the place to be arranged. But mostly it's about cleaning it at first and later they can add some new furniture, Yoongs hasn't bought yet.

The two male enter the building, after Little opened it with the keys Yoongs gave him earlier.

„It's a nice place." Hobi says, his hand running over the reception desk, „But it indeed is dirty."

Little chuckles, „Well that's why we are here for."

While Little looks for some cleaning tools, Hobi looks around to see what the other rooms are for. There's a small toilet and a tiny kitchen in the back, right after the room where Yoongs will have the customer talks. Other than that there's nothing more but it's enough for Yoongi's business.

Hobi finds a radio which makes him smile immediately because it means that they can play some music while cleaning.

„Look what I've found." Hobi says after Little entered the room with a bucket full of water and a few rags.

Little chuckles and shakes his head, „Of course that would be the first thing you are looking for."

Hobi laughs along with him before turning on the radio, „Let's start."

The place turned out dirtier than they thought it would be, but gladly the place isn't too big. At some point, Hobi started dancing to the songs being played on the radio, while cleaning the reception with Taehyung. The younger boy chuckled at the dancer's moves and joy, him jumping around singing and dancing to the songs.
When one certain song started playing, he goes up to Little who is cleaning peacefully by himself.

Little frowns but laughs as soon as Hobi pulls him closer to himself to dance with him. It is a fast, cheerful song about dancing, with a fast beat and rhythm. Hobi is feeling the song and soon Little too. Hobi grabs the broomstick next to him, pretending it to be a microphone while he lip syncs to the song, making Little laugh but still play along.

„Do the alligator
Put your hand on your hips, yeah
Let your backbone slip
Do the watusi
Like my little Lucy"

They move together to the music, having fun with the funky song playing in the background. Never did Little think he could have fun while cleaning but with Hobi everything seems possible. Every moment he spends with the dancer is refreshing and fun. It seems like Hobi has a magical power to make Little always dance with him, laugh with him, have fun with him. Whenever they are together, Little feels like entering a different world, another dimension, because when he's with the dancer, he forgets everything around him, especially his boring and bland life.

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