"I asked him if he had any plans to harm us and he said no. Then I asked if he planned to tell anyone about us and he said no. Then I asked if he had hurt your daughter, and he said he would rather die than let anything happen to her. He wasn't lying about any of it."

"Thank you, Maria," Zamari replied, dismissing her, her frown deepening.

"Does this mean you're going to let them go?" Safania asked hopefully.

Zamari sighed again. "And then what, Safania? He just drops you off here and stops by to visit you on the weekends?"

"I'm not staying here forever," Safania replied. "I want to go back to Peria with him."

"What?" her mom said sharply, clearly not expecting Safania would want to leave.

Safania looked into her mother's familiar green eyes. "I'm sorry mom, but I can't stay. I had hoped to find this group so I could live here with you all. But my plans have changed. I'm still hoping you can help me learn to control my powers. And of course, I want to spend time with you. I still..." Safania fought back tears that had suddenly sprung to her eyes. "I still can't believe you're alive. But Cassius is also my family now.  I'm going back with him whether you all decide to help me or not."

Zamari looked at her with concern. "Do you have any idea the kind of danger you would be in as his princess? God forbid you became a queen."

"That's why I need your help. I need to know how to keep myself safe."

"You will never be completely safe. You will always be in danger."

"I know," Safania responded. "Please mom."

Several moments of tense silence followed. "Let them go Valery," Zamari said finally. Valery's jaw clenched, but she turned to leave.

"Can I say goodbye to them?" Safania asked her mother. Zamari nodded.

Safania and Zamari walked outside the tent. Outside, Alton, Emalina, and Cassius were sitting on the ground, tied up and blindfolded. Safania watched as some other women untied them.

As soon as the group was free, Safania hugged Alton and Emalina.

"They're letting us go?" Emalina asked.

"They're letting you go," Safania replied. "I'm going to stay here to train with them for a while."

Emalina's face fell as she realized they would be separated once more, but Cassius nodded as if he had expected this.

"I'll see you again soon," Safania assured Emalina, hugging her again.

Safania then turned to Cassius. "I can't believe we're splitting up," Cassius told her. "I feel closer to you now than I ever have. I don't want to let you go."

He brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"I have to stay," Safania told him. "I have to be able to control my powers for us to ever have a future together. Finding this group is a blessing."

"I know," Cassius replied. "That doesn't make it easy. Just...promise me you'll be safe," he said, looking at her with sadness.

"I promise," she replied.

The two embraced, with Safania trying to commit his scent to memory and Cassius trying to memorize the way she felt in his arms. They exchanged a kiss while Zamari looked on disapprovingly.

"Goodbye my love," Cassius whispered in Safania's ear. "If you need anything, I'm only a couple days East. You'll find me when you're done training?" 

Safania nodded.

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