Destined (Bonus)

398 21 9

This...This is the kind of fluff I signed up for.

Adrien brushed his fingers against her pale skin, the moonlight from the hatch above casting a soft glow on her. He arranged the stray strands of hair on her face.

She was so beautiful. He couldn't take his eyes off her, he wanted to encrypt her to his memory permanently. He leaned down to place a soft kiss on her forehead and she stirred lightly in her sleep, a smile adoring her lips.

He could've sworn he'd give anything to stay in the moment forever. But he knew he had to go. It was about the early hours of the morning and Nathalie had told him the previous night that he'd have to be up early, she didn't specify what for though.

He sighed somewhat lovesick. It was fair to say he'd had the greatest night ever. She had kissed him. Twice! He still couldn't understand if it were a dream or not. Just if it were, then he really never wanted to wake up.

He ran his fingers along her jawline, admiring every contour on her face. She didn't know that he loved her more than anything in the whole world, loved her more than his own life. But he so desperately wanted her to know, he just didn't know how.


Catnoir pulled back when they were too breathless to continue. He watched her breathlessly as her chest heaved and she tried to catch her breath. Her eyes stayed shut as she felt the light tingle from the pressure of his lips lingering, scarcely wondering how it was possible for her to feel so much from just a kiss.

Her eyes slowly fluttered open to meet his and he leaned down to rest his forehead on hers. For the next moment, there was no sound but the exchange of their breaths. Eyes boring into the other, speaking words which the lips couldn't utter.

It was the perfect opportunity. He just had to say it. He had to tell her he was in love with her. After all she had initiated the kiss, the chances of her rejecting him were slim. He slowly trailed his finger to her jawline, cupping her cheek. That was the moment, he pushed all negative thoughts aside and took in a breath.

But just as he was about to speak, she moved her hands to his chest and lightly pushed him back creating much needed distance between them. He stared at her confused for a moment but she looked away from him and bit her lips nervously.

"It's getting kinda late." She murmured and he could feel his chest ache. He didn't want the night to end.

"I don't mind." He immediately cut in almost pleadingly. He couldn't miss his chance. But he couldn't help but feel she wanted to purposely avoid the topic. She looked back to him and he could see something flash through her eyes. Then she whispered, "Okay."

"We could watch another movie, I'll just get changed." She smiled softly, trying to change the topic before turning around to walk away.

Catnoir let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. He still had time, sure he didn't want to make her uncomfortable but he needed to tell her how he felt. They couldn't just not talk about the kiss. They needed to talk about it. He needed to know how she felt.

They stayed on her bed to watch the movie with Marinette resting on his shoulder. She fell asleep halfway and he joined her after clearing up her laptop. He could hardly sleep so he spent most of the time watching her, memorizing her soft breaths and just taking her in. That was until he needed to go.


"How long are you gonna keep doing that?" A sleepy voice asked in the dark. Adrien recognized it was Plagg's and in a second, the black kwami was hovering over him.

Miraculous One shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora