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Requested by shannahdenise

It was a ridiculous idea anyway. Just like any other idea the class came up with. As long as she didn't like it, it was ridiculous. In fact, everyone was ridiculous and needed to be fired anyway.

She ripped off the mask on her face and threw it on the floor, "You're all ridiculous." And she stomped away.

The limo wasn't parked outside like it should've been and she wanted to just bang a pot on Jean whatever his name was.

Why did everything have to be so ridiculous?

It was that time of the school year. Literature acts and cut scenes from the best novels they'd read. Like Mrs. Bustier always said, it wasn't to improve their acting skills, it was to make them understand the emotions flowed into the writing.

And she understood the emotions. She understood what Claire in their new literature book, The Abyss, felt like. She knew what loneliness felt like. And she knew what it felt like to ruin all your happiness with your hands.

And she knew what it was like to be hated by everyone.

Everyone hated Chloe Bourgeois.

But she was not gonna cry about it. Not now. It was nothing new and it was even worse because she was the cause of her own problems.

Mrs. Bustier had shared the roles for the play. And Chloe was the lead which freaked everyone out. Honestly she kinda felt bad about the nasty comments of her bribing the teacher to get the role or something.

But she knew she couldn't feel bad. Her father was the Mayor and her mother was on the fashion headlines. It didn't matter what anyone says about. She had a perfect life.

Everyone agreed to use the houseboat for rehearsals on the which she so dreaded bitterly. And after a serious argument, along with Dupain-Cheng acting like she was the first class rep in the world and her Adrikins defending the short brat, she was finally compelled to come.

And now here she was, regretting even taking the role. No one in their class understood. They all just thought she was a good for nothing spoilt brat. They weren't wrong tho.

But they didn't know that everyone had a back story and sometimes sone people just need comfort, they just needed to cry and be comforted.

And that was she never cried because her father would paint Paris pink but couldn't give her those fatherly cuddles cuz he was too busy. And her mother...her mother...Where was she even to begin?

She slumped on the edge of the boat, letting the silence fill her, everyone else was down the deck. She couldn't vividly recall their awful words about her. She was actually trying this time. It wasn't her fault she found them all ridiculous.

Still no one had ever seen her effort to be good. Even Adrien couldn't see the light in her again.

When a well was full, the water needed to pour over, she needed to cry.

"So what's got you in a bad mood?" The voice that interrupted her quiet time was followed by the strum of a string. And somehow just those musical notes had hit some spot in her.

She turned around to see the boy in blue, sitting by the side, his guitar around his neck. How did he do that?

"You have no right to talk to me, you know." She scoffed and turned back to face the water. "You look like you walked out straight from a dumpster." She made the meanest voice she could muster up but she could knew she just sounded as horrible as she felt.

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