Day 9 - Marché

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Marinette stirred in her sleep as the bright light began to interrupt her sleep. She rolled over to her side, hoping to escape the seething light.

But then felt the bed dip beside her and a movement on her waist. Her eyes immediately shot open in panic as she tried to turn around to see whatever was there.

"I don't think you should turn around, princess. I'm not transformed." It was only when she heard the voice that she breathed in relief. She looked down at the hand on her waist. Tan fair skin with a silver ring in the middle finger.

It was only Catnoir, she sighed in relief. It was only Catnoir. It took only a second for her to register the statement. It was Catnoir, currently not transformed, pressed up against her. She slowly recalled the events of the last night tho it wasn't so clear. Trying not to show too much panic, she let out unsteady breaths. Her cheeks flushing.

"Morning, princess." He shivered lightly when he whispered into her ear feeling his hot breath on her skin. She felt his hand brush away her hair strands falling over her face. His fingers brushed her skin and her cheeks tinted slightly.

Whoever he was, his skin was soft and warm. She placed her hand on his when it rested back on her waist. Then she intertwined their fingers. She really liked the feel of his hand. "Are you feeling better now?"

"Much.." She whispered.

"That's good to hear." He muttered back. There was a longer silence after that, neither of them spoke, only kept moving closer to the other subtly. It was that they knew the moment had to end sooner or later since the morning was breaking and they had personal things to do. But it felt like talk would make it end sooner.

So they enjoyed each other's warmth in silence.

"I wish we could do this more often. I like holding your hand without the glove." He whispered knowing that she couldn't see him to know just how much he was blushing. He did have to say at one point, when better than when she couldn't see him.

She hummed in response, "Me too."

"We could make it work, if you want." He nuzzled his face into her hair, wafting the scent of strawberries. "How?" She asked genuinely curious.

"You could turn around and see who I am." He shrugged like it was nothing but his reply left her wide-eyed in shock. She frowned annoyed that he would even think that. "Of course not! That's careless of you too say." She yanked at his arm.

He chuckled, imagining the angry pout that would've been on her lips, "It's not careless, I trust you so I don't mind."

She felt flattered for a moment but then she shook herself back to normal. "It doesn't matter. Ladybug would kill you if she found out." And she was dead serious. But he wouldn't know that of course. "It doesn't matter what she thinks. She wouldn't understand how I feel about you."

He said the last line so softly that it made something in her shift so she asked back in a whisper, "How do you feel about me?"

He rubbed small circles on her hand with his thumb, "Princess, I..."

"Marinette, hunny! Are you up yet?" Her mum called out from downstairs, "It's almost 10 and Alya's called to say she's on her way!"

Marinette immediately shot up from the bed, and then she clamped her eyes over her eyes after almost seeing Adrien. "I'll be down in a sec! Don't come up!" She yelled back.

Adrien sat up too hearing the time. He knew since it was the holiday and his morning schedule was clear, Nathalie usually let him sleep in but it was late and he was certain she was already getting suspicious.

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