Day 12 - Merry

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Marinette did spoil Catnoir with lots of affection and he left her house very early in the morning. Since it was Christmas morning, Nathalie would definitely come looking for him.

And no matter how much he wanted to continue staying with her, he had to go.

On the other hand, Marinette felt better again. After spending the time with him again, how could she not? And the whole day she was just bursting with the euphoria of seeing him again. He would finally see her in her dress. Excited was too little a word.

What Marinette however did not expect was for Adrien to walk through the front door of the bakery so early. Sure he said he was going to come but she really didn't think his father or Nathalie would let him leave and so early even.

He had her scarf around his neck, a gift bag in his arms and a radiant smile on his lips as he walked in. That beautiful smile widened when he caught sight of Marinette behind the counter.

"Oh wow, Adrien, you're here." Sabine seemed just as surprised as Marinette. Adrien walked further in, "Good morning, Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, dear." She offered him a loving smile as she continued mixing the batter on the work table.

Just then Tom walked in, his usual apron around his waist. Like the rest of them, he was surprised to see Adrien. "What a surprise, Adrien!"

"I hope I'm not bothering, Marinette said I could come by today. I hope it's not too much trouble." He let his gaze shift to Marinette and the bluenette nearly squealed under his intense stare.

"What? No, of course not. And you're just in time for Christmas breakfast!" If anything, Tom seemed excited to see him, to which Adrien was relieved.

His eyes lit up, "Thank you."

"Marinette, don't be rude now, go on and welcome your friend." Sabine gently nudged her. Marinette groaned at her mother's statement. Of course, how could she forget the teasing?

"You both are free to go up to her room." She continued, flashing another teasing smile at her. Marinette pursed her lips, it was like they just sat around planning multiple ways to embarrass her.

"But don't forget to leave the door open." Tom added and Marinette's eyes widened, "Papa!" She whined and her parents chuckled.

Adrien watched them with a smile. There has never been that much homeliness and warmth in his house for ages. And he felt all fuzzy watching them.

"C'mon Adrien..." Marinette muttered as she gestured him to follow her out, shaking him out of his world. He smiled at her parents before following her up the stairs.

Then he realized, he was going to Marinette's room. He was going to be alone with her. His skin flushed. Not like they hadn't been together alone when he was transformed, but it was different. He couldn't get close to her as much as he'd liked to.

"Sorry about my parents. I swear they've devoted themselves to try to embarrass me." Marinette's voice suddenly brought him back down to earth.

"It's okay, It's not all bad." He muttered, his tone shifting a bit. It would be a lie to say he didn't want that. Attention from his dad. Honestly, Gabriel couldn't care less if he didn't see him for days.

Marinette could easily see she'd hit a spot. That the smile on his face was forced, his mum was not around and his father's presence barely counted. She didn't want to dwell anymore on the topic so she tried to divert.

"I didn't think you'd really come today." She admitted, smiling bashfully.

He waved it off carefully omitting how hard it was to convince Nathalie, "It took a lot of convincing though, I wouldn't have missed the offer for anything." Her heart fluttered when he smiled sweetly at her.

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