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Forever part IV

If you asked Marinette how she got herself tangled in this situation, she wouldn't be able to tell you. Because she also had no idea how she got webbed up in this mess.

It all started the next day at school, Alya overheard Adrien asking Nino if he'd accompany him to the ice rink and her Adrienette shipping senses kicked in. She quickly butt in asking if she and Marinette could tag along.

"That'll be great!" Adrien's eye lit up. If it weren't for that look on Adrien's face, Marinette would have never agreed. She knew it was some ploy of Alya and Nino to make sure she somehow ends up being alone with Adrien.

A part of her wanted it so badly. Especially after seeing the moment he'd shared with Kagami, she wanted him all to herself. And then seeing the way his eyes lit up, she couldn't resist, so she didn't argue when Alya suggested the time they'd all be there.

But then it went from sweet to sour in seconds when Adrien said his next words, "I guess the time is okay but I guess I still have to ask Kagami tho. Anyways thank you guys for agreeing to come, it means a lot."

Her throat felt sore as she realized that maybe she was losing Adrien to Kagami. He was equally happy around her, in no less time, he'd fall in love with her. It was for the best, wasn't it?

If it was, then why did it hurt?

Luka caught her as she almost fell, losing her balance for what would've been the umpteenth time. She mouthed a thank you to him as they continued to glide on the ice slowly, her taking his lead.

"I can tell there's something bothering you." He smiled and sent a side glance to Adrien and Kagami who were skating on the other end seemingly in their own bubble of conversation. "You can tell me, you know."

She nodded in negation, "It's nothing, Luka. Thank you." She mouthed softly.

It wasn't nothing actually. Everything was wrong. When Marinette had found out that Adrien was going with Kagami, she immediately told Alya that she didn't want to go anymore. "Look Marinette, Nino and I have to babysit my sisters then, we only agreed cuz we wanted you and Adrien to be alone, I swear we didn't know he was already bringing Kagami." Alya told her.

Marinette knew that Adrien just needed a friend and it wouldn't have been nice if they all flaked on him. So she had to. Luckily the idea of inviting Luka wasn't that bad either. Still it didn't make things less worse. Because each time she saw Kagami come closer to Adrien, she loses all her bearings and her heart feels emotionally wrecked.

Philippe skated by asking her and Luka if they'd wanted to sign up for ice-skating lessons. They both declined politely stating their reasons. She blushed as Luka looked at her when he said he had a new music playing in his head.

Luka was great, he was awesome, amazing. And he was also right there. But unfortunately her heart did not want that. Her heart longed for someone else. Someone who was already moving on. Why couldn't she? From the corner of her eyes, she could see Kagami pull Adrien closer and that ache worsened in her chest.

Slipping her hand out of Luka's subconsciously and without his notice too, she just lost focus and thud! She bumped into the wall, her spine giving away as she slid to the icy floor.

In a split second, Adrien and Luka were at her front, both offering out their hands to her. "Are you okay?" They both asked and it just didn't help matters.

She wanted to take Adrien's hand but she was technically there with Luka and he with someone else. But taking Luka's hand would also mean leaving Adrien sticking his hand out awkwardly. Why were things so complicated?

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